Table 1.
Key Outstanding Research Questions
Key Questions |
Preclinical |
How do ketone bodies affect replication of influenza A or SARS-CoV-2? |
What is the fate of ketone bodies in the lung? |
How does treatment with ketones affect cellular metabolism, redox state, and mitochondrial energetics in lung immune and non-immune cells in health and during viral infection? |
How do ketone bodies affect innate immunity in the lung following influenza or SARS-CoV-2 challenge? What is the role of NLRP3, HCAR2, and adenosine A1 receptor? |
What are the mechanisms by which ketone bodies affect cardiomyocyte, skeletal muscle, and/or cognitive dysfunction caused by influenza or SARS-CoV-2? |
Clinical |
How might exogenous ketones affect viral replication and progression to disease in ambulatory influenza- or SARS-CoV-2-positive patients? |
Do exogenous ketones affect systemic and local lung inflammation, innate immune activation, and progression to ARDS following viral infection? |
In severely ill patients, can exogenous ketones support cardiac, skeletal muscle, and cognitive function through reduced oxidative stress and increased tolerance of hypoxemia? |
How will exogenous ketones affect glycemia and hemodynamics in critically ill patients? |
In older adults, can exogenous ketones help preserve muscle function in acute illness and/or affect the incidence or severity of delirium associated with inflammatory activation and metabolic dysfunction? |