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[Preprint]. 2020 Jul [Version 1] doi: 10.21203/

Table 1.

Model inputs, parameters and prior distributions for Bayesian analysis.

Symbol Definition (units) Sampled parameter(s) Prior [Truncation] Notes
Pop Population size Input (not sampled) Constant 31
Ninit Initial IU on 2020-02-29 Ninit LogN(1000, 10) [1, 10000]
1/α Self-isolation time after contact tracing Tisolation = 1/α LogN(14, 2) [7, 21]
1/κ Latent period (d) Tlatent = 1/κ N(4,1) [2,7] 32,33
c0 Baseline contact rate (contacts d−1) c0 N(13, 5) [7, 20] 34
ρ Recovery rate (d−1) Trecover = 1/ρ LogN(10, 1.5) [5, 30] 33,35
β0 Transmission rate (d−1) R0 = c0β0 N(2.9, 0.78) [1.46, 4.5] 36-38
fC Fraction of contacts traced (unitless) fC LogN(0.25, 2) [0.15, 1] 39
TT Date of startup of testing (d) TT N(70, 10) [60, 90]
λ General positive diagnosis rate (d−1) λ = Ftest Senstest ktest Derived 36,40,41
Ftest General test coverage (unitless) Ftest N(0.5, 0.2) [0.2, 0.8] 36,40,41
Senstest Test sensitivity (unitless) Senstest N(0.7, 0.1) [0.6, 0.95] 42
ktest General testing rate (d−1) τtest = 1/ktest N(7, 3) [2, 12] 43,44
λC Contacts positive diagnosis rate (d−1) λC = Senstest ktest,C Derived
kC,test Contacts testing rate (d−1 τC,test = 1/kC,test N(2, 1) [1, 3]
ρC Rate of infected contacts testing negative (d−1) ρC = (1 – Senstest) ktest,C Derived
δ Fatal illness rate (d−1) IFR (infected fatality rate)* LogN(0.01, 2) [0.001, 0.1] 35,45
θmin Minimum of θ(t) θmin Validation: Beta(2,2) Calibration: State-specific
τθ Weibull scale parameter τθ Validation: N(21, 7) [7, 35] Calibration: State-specific
nθ Weibull shape parameter nθ Validation: LogN(6, 2) [1,11] Calibration: State-specific
η Hygiene effectiveness relative to social distancing (unitless) η Beta(2,2)
τs Duration of shelter in place (d) τs Validation: N(30, 30) [0, 90] Calibration: State-specific 46
τr Duration of linear increase after shelter-in-place (d) τr Validation: N(45, 30) [0, 105] Calibration: State-specific
rmax Maximum relative increase in contacts from shelter-in-place (unitless) rmax Validation: Beta(2,2) Calibration: State-specific
τcase Lag time for observing confirmed case τcase LogN(7, 2) [1, 14]
τdeath Lag time for observing confirmed death τdeath LogN(7, 2) [1, 14]
αpos Negative Binomial shape parameter for cases likelihood function αpos LogU(4, 40)
αdeath Negative Binomial shape parameter for deaths likelihood function αdeath LogU(8, 40)

LogN(GM, GSD) = lognormal distribution with geometric mean GM and geometric standard deviation GSD

N(M,SD) = normal distribution with mean M and standard deviation SD

U(MIN,MAX) = uniform distribution with minimum MIN and maximum MAX

LogU(MIN, MAX) = log-uniform distribution with minimum MIN and maximum MAX

Time (t) is measured from t=1 corresponds to 2020-01-01.

Assumed, non-informative prior.

Standard contact tracing guidance is to self-isolate for 2 weeks.


For calibration to 6/20/20, state-specific priors were derived by fitting to different social distancing data sets, with each parameter’s mean, standard deviation, and range used to define a normal distribution prior.


See Methods for relationship between IFR and δ.