Fig 4. Simulation of treatment regimens.
This figure illustrates the implementation of four treatment-regimens: chloroquine CQ (κ = 30 days, ϵf = 11 days, ϵv = 2.1 days, φ = 0 and ν = 10−12), chloroquine plus primaquine CQ+PQ (κ = 30 days, ϵf = 11 days, ϵv = 2.1 days, φ = 0.95 and ν = 10−12), artemisinin-based combination therapy ACT (κ = 3 days, ϵf = 11 days, ϵv = 1.55 days, φ = 0 and ν = 10−24) and artemisinin-based combination therapy plus primaquine ACT+PQ (κ = 3 days, ϵf = 11 days, ϵv = 1.55 days, φ = 0.95 and ν = 10−24). First row shows the simulated regimens in P. falciparum model and second row shows the simulated regimens in P. vivax model.