Distributions of (A) somatic and (B) germline mutations along the mitochondrial genome. Dot size represents the number of molecules (i.e., the number of DCSs) in which a mutation was observed. The majority of mutations were found only in a single molecule; therefore, the shown MAF might be inaccurate in some samples. Among the mutations observed in at least two DCSs (for which MAF can be estimated more accurately), only 11 had MAF >1%—they all occurred in the germline (two mutations in single oocytes of pups, eight mutations in single oocytes of mothers, and one mutation in oocyte pool of a mother; S3 Table). The dashed blue line marks the beginning of the D-loop region. The raw data for the information depicted in this figure are available at https://github.com/makovalab-psu/mouse-duplexSeq. DCS, duplex consensus sequence; MAF, minor allele frequency; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA.