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. 2020 May 7;12(1):31–42.

Table III.

Ureteral injuries associated with total abdominal hysterectomy +/- oophorectomy (BMI- body mass index, NA- Not available, AUB-Abnormal uterine bleeding, POD- Post operative day, TAH- Total abdominal hysterectomy, LSO- Left salpingo- oophorectomy, RSO- Right salpingo-oophorectomy, BSO- Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, IVP- Intravenous pyelography, US- Ultrasound, CPP- Chronic pelvic pain, HTN- hypertension.

Case/Year Age/Parity BMI Comorbidity Indication for surgery Surgery Presentation Investigation/Intervention Legal outcome
12/2003 43 35 Obesity AUB, Large fibroid uterus TAH 3 hours. Significant bleeding sutured. Ureters- good peristalsis POD #1: Asymptomatic. US to exclude suspected injury-Rt hydrone-phrosis, ureteral obstruction POD #1: Percutaneous nephrostomy. 3 months: Laparotomy- reimplantation Trial-won by Defendant
13/1991 53 40 Obesity, Hysteropexy, Appendectomy, LSO AUB, Cervical dysplasia TAH+RSO. Difficult adhesiolysis POD #0: Oliguria, urine per vagina POD #0: IVP-Cystotomy, left ureteral obstruction. POD #1: Laparotomy: Bladder repair, ureteral reimplantation. POD #2: Pulmonary embolism, death Trial-won by defendant
14//1995 47/
NA None AUB TAH-BSO. Ureters identified at pelvic brim POD #1-3: Fever -38.5° C x 2,HTN POD #42: no issues POD #75: US-Right hydronephrosis. Nephrostomy-failed to recover kidney function. Nephrectomy Dismissed. Renal failure, likely to pre-existing HTN
15/2000 47
NA Caesarian section, HTN, Migraines AUB Fibroid uterus TAH-BSO. Ureters identified at pelvic brim. Bleeding sutured left vaginal vault. POD #38: Left loin pain POD#45: IVP/CT/cystoscopy/retrograde pyelography-Lt ureteral obstruction, urine extravasation. Percutaneous nephrostomy Laparotomy: Reimplantation Dismissed
16/2004 36 NA Endometriosis Fibroid uterus AUB Uterine fibroids CPP TAH-BSO Intraoperative: Left ureteral injury repaired by ureteroneo-cystotomy POD #5: Intermittent back pain. POD #6: discharged POD #35: IVP: Right hydronephrosis, hydroureter. Left ureter-normal Percutaneous nephrostomy Laparotomy: Reimplantation with Boari flap Settlement