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. 2020 Jul 16;6(1):e12050. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12050


Trial entry criteria and primary outcome measures for Phase 2/3 and 3 disease‐modifying therapies trials ( accessed February 27, 2020)

Agent Sponsor ID Trial name Subject population MMSE Primary outcome assessment tool
Aducanumab Biogen


EMBARK MCI due to AD or mild AD Safety
AGB101 AgeneBio, NIA NCT03486938 HOPE4MCI MCI due to AD 24–30 CDR‐SB
ALZT‐OP1 AZTherapies NCT02547818 COGNITE Early AD CDR‐SB



Anavex Life Sciences NCT03790709


MCI due to AD or mild AD 20–28 ADAS‐Cog, ADCS‐ADL
Azeliragon vTv therapeutics


Elevage Mild AD with elevated HbA1c 21–26 ADAS‐Cog14, CDR‐SB
BAN2401 Eisai, biogen NCT03887455 Clarity AD MCI due to AD or mild AD 22–30 CDR‐SB



Biohaven pharma, ADCS NCT03605667 T2 Protect Mild to moderate AD ADAS‐Cog11, CDR‐SB
CAD106 Novartis, banner Alzheimer's institute, NIA, Alzheimer's association, amgen NCT02565511 Generation S1 Preclinical; homozygous ApoE4 genotype ≥24 Time to diagnosis of MCI or dementia due to AD, APCC
COR388 Cortexyme


GAIN Mild to moderate AD 12–24 ADAS‐Cog11, CDR‐SB
Gantenerumab Roche NCT02051608 Marguerite road Mild AD ADAS‐Cog13, ADCD‐ADL
NCT01224106 SCarlet road Prodromal AD ≥24 CDR‐SB
NCT03444870 GRADUATE I Prodromal or mild AD ≥22 CDR‐SB
NCT03443973 GRADUATE II Prodromal or mild AD ≥22 CDR‐SB
Gantenerumab and solanezumab Washington University, Eli Lilly, Roche, NIA, Alzheimer's Association NCT01760005 DIAN‐TU‐001 Carriers of dominantly inherited AD mutations who are cognitively normal or with MCI or mild dementia DIAN‐TU cognitive composite score
Icosapent ethyl VA office of research and development, University of Wisconsin, Madison NCT02719327 BRAVE‐EPA Cognitively normal with parental history of AD and increased prevalence of ApoE4 Brain blood flow using arterial spin‐labeling MRI
Losartan and amlodipine and atorvastatin + exercise University of Texas Southwestern NCT02913664 rrAD Preclinical; family history of dementia or subjective cognitive decline with high blood pressure ≥26 ADCS‐PACC, NIH‐TB Cognition Battery
Mastinib AB Science NCT01872598 AB09004 Mild to moderate AD 12–25 ADCS‐ADL, ADAS‐Cog
Metformin Columbia University, NIA, EMD serono NCT04098666 MAP aMCI, overweight or obese ≥24 FCSRT
Solanezumab Eli Lilly, ATRI NCT02008357 A4 Preclinical with amyloid evidence 25–30 ADCS‐PACC
Tricaprilin Cerecin NCT04187547 AC‐19‐020 Mild to moderate AD who are ApoE4 non‐carriers 14–26 ADAS‐Cog11
TRx0237 TauRx therapeutics NCT03446001 LUCIDITY Probable AD or MCI due to AD 16–27 ADAS‐Cog11, ADCS‐ADL

Abbreviations: ADAS‐Cog, Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale‐Cognitive Subscale; ADCS‐ADL, Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study‐Activities of Daily Living; ADCS‐PACC, Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study‐Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite; APCC, Alzheimer's Prevention Initiative Composite Cognitive; ApoE, apolipoprotein E; ATRI, Alzheimer's Therapeutic Research Institute; CDR‐SB, Clinical Dementia Eating‐Sum of Boxes; FCSRT, Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; NIA, National Institute on Aging; NIH‐TB, National Institutes of Health toolbox.