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. 2020 Jul 16;144:105010. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2020.105010

Table 2.

Antibodies to tau currently in clinical development.

Antibody Epitope location Immunization strategy Binding Selectivity Ab species and backbone isotype Current Status (2019–2020) Company Clinical outcomes
Last completed Trial (Disease,Phase) Patient stage Reduced tau burden
Gosuranemab, BIIB092, BMS-986168, IPN007/IPN002) 15–24 In vitro aggregated full-length tau M, NFT?, eTaua humanized IgG4 NCT03352557 (AD,II) iPerian/Bristol-Meyers Squibb/Biogen NCT02460094 (PSP,I), NCT03068468 (PSP,II,dd) MCI/Mild AD +
ABBV-8E12 (C2N-8E12, HJ8.5) 25–30 (within 22–34) recombinant full-length tau M, NFT, eTau humanized IgG4 NCT03712787 (AD,II), NCT02880956(AD,II) C2N Diagnostics/Abbvie NCT02494024 (PSP,I) NCT03391765 (PSP,I,d) Early AD +
Zagotenemab (LY3303560, MC-1 IgG1) 7–9/312–322 (discontiguous) Immunopurified PHFs M-,O,NFT humanized IgG4 NCT03518073 (AD,II) Eli Lilly NCT02754830, NCT03019536 (AD,I) healthy, mild to moderate AD c
Semorinemab (RO7105705, MTAU9937A, RG6100) 2–24 (C-terminal portion) recombinant oligomers M,NFT,eTau humanized IgG4 NCT03828747 (AD,II), NCT03289143 (AD,II) AC Immune, Genentech, Hoffmann-La Roche NCT02820896 (AD,I) Mild to moderate AD +
BIIB076 (NI-105.6C5 huIgG1λ) probably 125−131 N/A: B-cells from healthy subjects M, PFF, NFT human IgG1 NCT03056729 (AD,I) Biogen/Neurimmune NCT03056729 (AD,I) Healthy/MCI AD +b
RG7345 (RO6926496) 416–430 (pS422) 416–430 (pS422) peptide phospho M, PHF humanized IgG1 or IgG4 NCT02281786 (I,d) Hoffmann-La Roche NCT02281786 (I,d) healthy males
UCB0107 (D IgG4) 235–246 Recombinant tau fibrils M,O,PHF humanized IgG4 or IgG1 NCT03464227 (AD,I), NCT03605082 (AD,I) NCT04185415 (PSP,I,s) UCB Biopharma NCT03464227 (I), NCT03605082 (I) Healthy males, healthy m/f
JNJ-63733657 (B296, PT3) 204–225 (pT212/pT217) PHF from AD patients M,PHF (ptau) humanized, likely IgG1 NCT03375697 (prodromal, mild AD,I) Janssen NCT03689153 (I) healthy m/f +
NPT088 --c N/A: Human IgG -viral g3p GAIM chimera O,F/P Human IgG1 NCT03008161 (I) Proclara Biosciences NCT03008161 (I) Mild to moderate AD

M = Monomers, O=Oligomers, NFT = Neurofibrillary tangles, eTau = extracellular tau, PFF = pre-formed fibrils, PHF = paired-helical filaments.


in cynomolgus monkeys.


indicates “not reported”.


d = Discontinued.