Table 3.
Means of the FCSI scores at all measurement points
Measurement/group/dogs (n) | Mean of FCSI score (±sd) | Change from baseline score (±sd) |
1. STIF/29 | 154.7 (±60.1) | NA |
2. STIF/25 | 108.7 (56.9) | −48.8 (±44.6) |
3. STIF/19 | 58.6 (±44.9) | −93.3 (±62.0) |
1. OTHER/17 | 59.4 (±54.3) | NA |
2. OTHER/11 | 43.2 (±52.8) | −26.1 (±38.1) |
3. OTHER/11 | 39.8 (±37.0) | −29.5 (±39.6) |
1. CTRL/11 | 17.0 (±22.9) | NA |
2. CTRL/10 | 15.4 (±13.9) | −3.34 (±13.6) |
3. CTRL/11 | 5.3 (±11.9) | −11.7 (±21.0) |
CTRL, control dogs with no known musculoskeletal disease; FCSI, Finnish Canine Stifle Index; NA, not applicable; OTHER, dogs with some musculoskeletal disease other than stifle dysfunction; STIF, dogs with any stifle dysfunction.