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. 2020 Jul 10;11:656. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00656

Table 5.

Effect of possible problem alcohol drinking on the scores of psychometric scales used in the study.

SMAST-G (2 pts and more) N = 67 SMAST-G (<2 pts) N = 180 p
x¯ Me x¯ Me
MDQ 4.87 ± 3.02 5.0 3.02 ± 2.65 3.0 <0.001*
GDS 13.64 ± 3.59 13.0 12.42 ± 2.74 12.0 0.012*
GHQ-28 23.55 ± 10.3 22.0 20.66 ± 10.09 18.0 0.013*
AIS 6.76 ± 3.85 6.0 5.66 ± 4.19 4.0 0.012*
STAI (X-1) 41.64 ± 9.48 41.0 38.47 ± 10.08 38.5 0.022*
STAI (X-2) 41.85 ± 9.14 41.0 38.21 ± 8.93 37.5 0.007*
CECS_anger 17.15 ± 4.09 16.0 18.23 ± 3.5 18.0 0.036*
CECS_depression 17.93 ± 3.88 19.0 17.93 ± 3.84 18.0 NS
CECS_anxiety 16.57 ± 2.84 17.0 16.57 ± 2.83 17.0 NS
CECS_total 51.64 ± 9.24 52.0 52.73 ± 8.08 52.0 NS

AIS, Athens Insomnia Scale; CECS, Courtauld Emotional Control Scale; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; GHQ-28, General Health Questionnaire-28; MDQ, Mood Disorder Questionnaire; Me, median; NS, not significant; p, p-value; SD, standard deviation; SMAST-G, Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test—Geriatric Version; STAI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; x¯, mean; *, statistically significant value statistically significant value (p < 0.05; Mann–Whitney U-test).