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. 2020 Jul 10;11:677. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00677


Summary of the relevant QTL studies pointing toward the implication of adaptive mechanisms in disease resistance.

Fish species Disease Challenge type Experimental design (genotyped fish in the analysis) Genetic molecular markers Resistance traits Number of detected QTL Size of detected QTL % of variance explained by QTL Publication
Atlantic salmon (S. salar) CMS Injection (ip) and natural outbreak 571 and 4312 and 901 (FS and HF in three populations) 55,735 SNPs BS and lesion score 2 QTL 0.2–31 Mb 8–31% of Vg Boison et al., 2019a
Atlantic salmon (S. salar) CMS Injection (ip) 1144 fish (60 FS) 48K SNPs Lesion score and viral load 2 QTL 320 kb (Ssa12) and 19 Mb (Ssa27) Up to 57% of Vg (Ssa27) Hillestad and Moghadam, 2019
Atlantic salmon (S. salar) Sea lice Immersion 94 fish (3 FS) SSR markers located within 3′ of MHC I (in two chromosomes) Parasite count 2 QTL 28 cM 13% of Vp Gharbi et al., 2009
Atlantic salmon (S. salar) ISA Injection (ip) 1031 fish (25 FS) 17 polymorphic repeats located within 3′ of MHC I and MHC II BS 5 MHC I and II alleles Grimholt et al., 2003
Atlantic salmon (S. salar) Furunculosis Cohabitation 1182 fish (33 FS) 17 polymorphic repeats located within 3′ of MHC I and MHC II BS 7 MHC I and II alleles Grimholt et al., 2003
Rainbow trout (O. mykiss) IPN Immersion 199 fish (BC and F1) 226 markers (microsatellites AFPLs, MHC I and II genes) BS 9 QTL 8–15% of Vp Ozaki et al., 2007
Turbot (S. maximus) Scuticociliatosis Injection (ic) 758 fish (4 FS) 211 microsatellites BS and TTD 5–10 QTL 7–30 cM 7–22% of Vp Rodríguez-Ramilo et al., 2013
Red sea bream (P. major) RSI disease Injection 120 and 400 fish (2 F1) 458 microsatellites BS 1 QTL 12–31% of Vp Sawayama et al., 2017

QTL, quantitative trait loci; CMS, cardiomyopathy syndrome; ISA, infectious salmon anemia; IPN, infectious pancreatic necrosis; RSI, red seabream iridovirus; ip, intraperitoneal; ic, intracelomical; BS, binary survival that takes into account the outcomes of the challenge as dead or alive; TTD, time to death, measured as the time (in days or hours) between the infection and the day of death of a fish; Vp, phenotypic variance of the resistance trait; Vg, genetic or genomic variance of the resistance trait; FS; full-sib; HS, half-Sib; BC, back-cross; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; cM, centi-Morgan. Size of detected QTL corresponds to either confidence intervals when calculated or cumulated windows with significant SNPs.