Fig. 3. HVAs exhibit anisotropic coherent motion correlations to RDKs.
a Map from a single experiment highlighting anisotropic coherent motion correlations across HVAs. b Single pixel responses taken from area LM (orange; top), V1 (dark blue; middle), and PM (light blue; bottom) overlaid on the coherence trace. Correlation between pixel response and coherent motion trace indicated for each pixel. c Across all mice (n = 10 sessions over 10 mice), each tested dorsal stream visual area is significantly motion responsive, but neither ventral stream areas nor a control area outside of visual cortex (region S1) are motion responsive (*Bonferroni adjusted p < 0.006 (p = 0.05, 8 tests); two-tailed single-sample t test). Overlay indicates median ± quartiles. d Relative difference matrix, with each element equal to the coherent motion correlation in the column region subtracted from the coherent motion correlation in the row region across mice (red, higher; blue, lower). e Simplified schematic of mean coherent motion correlations in each cortical area across mice.