Table 2.
Comparison IVF/ICSI-technique parameters between four groups throughout the IVF/ICSI course.
POSEIDON1 (N = 310 cycles) (Mean ± SD) |
POSEIDON 2 (N = 166 cycles) (Mean ± SD) |
POSEIDON 3 (N = 193 cycles) (Mean ± SD) |
POSEIDON4 (N = 156 cycles) (Mean ± SD) |
p value | |
AFC (antral follicle count)a | 9 (8–9) | 8 (7–9) | 1.2 (1–2) | 1.8 (1–2) | 0.00 |
AMH (ng/ml)a | 5.7 (4.3–7.13) | 3.12 (2.22–3.505) | 1.2 (0.5–1.93) | 1.1 (0.22–1.31) | 0.00 |
Basal FSH (mIU/mL)a | 6.34 (5.61–8.36) | 8.6 (6.8–9.76) | 7.19 (6.39–9.36) | 8.04 (6.53–9.70) | 0.297 |
Basal LH (mIU/mL)a | 3.7 (2.7–4.65) | 4.25 (3.2–5.65) | 3.94 (2.97–5.06) | 4.17 (3.09–5.74) | 0.349 |
Basal Estradiol (E2) (ng/mL)a | 38.45 (33.28–44.95) | 33.80 (30.80–45.60) | 38.39 (33.54–48.75) | 30.46 (28.02–33.73) | 0.002 |
Basal Progesterone (ng/mL)a | 0.77 (0.53–0.85) | 0.74 (0.56–0.82) | 0.77 (0.51–0.87) | 0.74 (0.50–0.83) | 0.316 |
LH on trigger day (mIU/mL)a | 0.77 (0.62–0.88) | 0.71 (0.45–1.05) | 0.64 (0.45–0.96) | 0.66 (0.53–0.97)) | 0.004 |
Estradiol on trigger day (E2) (ng/mL)a | 2,526 (2061.50–2,713.50) | 2,256 (1,478.00–2,782.50) | 2,366 (1,456.50–3,698.00) | 2,205 (2,116.25–2,611.75) | 0.016 |
Progesterone on trigger day(P) (ng/mL)a | 1.76 ± 4.10 | 0.87 ± 1.06 | 1.66 ± 3.27 | 0.98 ± 1.09 | 0.00 |
rFSH starting dose (IU)b | 224.01 ± 55.34 | 227.01 ± 56.98 | 215.51 ± 65.60 | 214.22 ± 67.97 | 0.438 |
rFSH total dose (IU)b | 2098.84 ± 844.56 | 2,201.60 ± 903.87 | 2067.053 ± 1,084.89 | 2,113.24 ± 1,043.70 | 0.564 |
HMG duration (days)b | 5.13 ± 2.92 | 5.72 ± 2.62 | 5.20 ± 2.76 | 5.45 ± 2.94 | 0.502 |
HMG dose (IU)a | 75 (75–75) | 75 (75–75) | 75 (75–75) | 75 (75–75) | – |
HMG total dose (IU)a | 75 (15–525) | 225 (187–675) | 225 (187.50–675.00) | 187 (45–525) | 0.433 |
GnRH agonist start dose (mg)a | 0.1 (0.1–0.5) | Constant Value | 0.1 (0.1–0.5) | 0.1 (0.1–0.5) | 0.392 |
GnRH agonist duration (days)a | 7 (6.00–12.00) | Constant value | 6.5 (6.00–12.00) | 7.0 (5.00–12.00) | 0.654 |
GnRH agonist total dose (mg)a | 0.6 (0.6–0.6) | Constant value | 0.6 (0.6–0.6) | 0.6 (0.5–0.6) | 0.161 |
GnRH antagonist start dose (mg)c | Constant value | Constant value | Constant value | Constant value | 1.00 |
GnRH antagonist total dose (mg)a | Constant value | Constant value | Constant value | Constant value | 0.154 |
GnRH antagonist duration (days)a | Constant value | Constant value | Constant value | Constant value | 0.449 |
GH duration (days)a | 6.00 (6.00–6.00) | Constant value | 6.00 (6.00–6.00) | 6.00 (6.00–6.00) | 0.112 |
CC total dose (mg)a | 25 (5–45) | 35 (25–45) | 40 (20.50–45.00) | 25 (5.00–45.00) | 0.685 |
CC duration (days)a | 8 (5.00–8.00) | 6.5 (5.00–9.00) | 8.00 (5.75–9.00) | 7.50 (5.00–8.00) | 0.894 |
Duration of stimulation (days)a | 8 (8–10) | 8 (8–10) | 9 (8–10) | 8 (8–10) | 0.727 |
Number of follicles ≥ 14 mm on trigger daya | 6 (4–5) | 2 (3–5) | 4 (3–5) | 2 (3–5) | 0.018 |
aMedian test, data presented as median (interquartile range); bone-way ANOVA; data are mean ± standard deviation or % unless otherwise specified; bolded are statistically significant p values.