Sun et al,11
Gray-matter diffusion assessed via diffusional kurtosis imaging
18 IGD
21 control participants
Lower gray-matter diffusion in the right anterolateral cerebellum,
right inferior and superior temporal gyri, right supplementary motor
area, middle occipital gyrus, right precuneus, postcentral gyrus, right
inferior frontal gyrus, left lateral lingual gyrus, left paracentral
lobule, left ACC, median cingulate cortex, bilateral fusiform gyrus,
insula, PCC, and thalamus.
Higher gray-matter volume in the right inferior and middle temporal
gyri, and right parahippocampal gyrus, and lower volume in the left
precentral gyrus.
Wang et al,12
Gray-matter volume measured via MRI
28 IGD
28 control participants
Smaller gray-matter volume of the bilateral ACC, precuneus,
supplementary motor area, superior parietal lobule, left DLPFC, left
insula, and bilateral cerebellum in IGD participants than in healthy
control participants.
Gray-matter volume of the ACC negatively correlated with the
incongruent response errors on the Stroop test.
Kim et al,9
Regional homogeneity (ReHo)† measured via MRI
16 IGD
14 alcohol-use disorder 15 control participants
IGD and alcohol-use disorder participants had increased ReHo in the
PCC. IGD participants showed decreased ReHo in the right superior
temporal gyrus compared with alcohol-use disorder and control
partic-ipants. Patients with alcohol-use disorder showed decreased ReHo
in the ACC.
Lin et al,13
Gray-matter density and white-matter density changes assessed by
voxel-based morphometric analysis in MRI.
35 IGD
36 control participants
Higher fractional anisotropy in the thalamus and left PCC.
Higher fractional anisotropy in the thalamus was associated with
greater severity of internet addiction.
Takeuchi et al,14
Mean diffusivity assessed via diffusion tensor imaging
114 boys
126 girls
The amount of videogame play positively correlated with mean
diffusivity in the left middle, inferior, and orbiofrontal cortxs (OFC);
left pallidum; left putamen; left hippocampus; left caudate; right
putamen; right insula; and thalamus in both cross-sectional and
longitudinal analyses.
Higher mean diffusivity in the areas of the left thalamus, left
hippocampus, left putamen, left insula, and left Heschl gyrus was
associated with lower intelligence.
Yuan et al,15
Assessment of white-matter integrity and connectivity
28 IGD adolescents
25 control participants
Reduced fractional anisotropy in the ACC/right DLPFC pathways in
Zhai et al,16
White-matter integrity measured via diffusion tensor imaging
16 right-handed adolescents with IGD
16 control participants
Reduced nodal efficiency in frontal cortex, ACC, and pallidum in IGD.
Global efficiency of the white-matter network correlated with the IAT
scores in IGD.
Jeong et al,17
Assessment of white-matter integrity and connectivity
181 male patients including:
58 IGD subjects without psychiatric comorbidity
26 male control participants
Increased fractional anisotropy values within forceps minor, right
anterior thalamic radiation; right corticospinal tract; right inferior
longitudinal fasciculus; right cingulum to hippocampus; and right
inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) decreases in radial
diffusivity value within forceps minor, right anterior thalamic
radiation andIFOF relative to control subjects
Sun et al,10
Resting-state cerebral activity alterations assessed via amplitude of
low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) and functional connectivity
30 male IGD)
23 female IGD
30 male and 22 female age-matched healthy control participants
Greater ReHo* in the brain stem, inferior parietal lobule, cerebellum,
and middle frontal gyrus. Lower ReHo in occipital and parietal
Seok et al,18
Assessment of resting-state gray-matter volume and functional
20 IGD
20 age- and sex-matched healthy control participants
IGD severity was positively correlated with gray-matter volume in the
left caudate and it was negatively associated with functional
connectivity between the left caudate and the right middle frontal
Pan et al,19
Assessment of resting-state gray-matter volume
67 male adolescents
IAT score was negatively correlated with gray-matter volumes of the
bilateral postcentral gyri, the bilateral precentral gyri, the right
precuneus, the left posterior midcingulate cortex, the left inferior
parietal lobe, and the right middle frontal gyrus.
Lee et al,20
Assessment of resting-state gray-matter volume
45 male adults with IGD 35 age-matched male control
IGD subjects had thinner cortices in the right rostral ACC, right
lateral OFC, and left pars orbitalis than controls.
Smaller gray-matter volume in the right caudal ACC and left pars
orbital-is in IGD subjects.
Thinner cortex of the right lateral OFC in IGD subjects correlated
with higher cognitive impulsivity.
Whole-brain analysis in IGD subjects revealed thinner cortices in the
right supplementary motor area, left frontal eye field, superior
parietal lobule, and posterior cingulate cortex.
Dong et al,21
Assessment of white-matter integrity
42 IGD
44 RGU participants
Increased fractional anisotropy in the bilateral anterior thalamic
radiation, anterior limb of the internal capsule, bilateral
corticospinal tract, bilateral inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus,
corpus callosum, and bilteral inferior longitudinal fasciculus.
Internet-addiction severity was positively correlated with fractional
anisotropy values.
Wang et al,22
Assessment of cortical thickness and volume
38 IGD
66 RGU participants
IGD showed decreased cortical thickness in the left lateral OFC,
inferior parietal lobule, bilateral cuneus, precentral gyrus, and right
middle temporal gyrus.
Reduced cortical volume in the left superior temporal gyrus and right
supra marginal gyrus in IGD.
Whole-brain correlational analysis indicated different correlations
between the two groups.
Wang et al,22
Assessment of cortical thickness and volume
48 IGD male youths
32 age- and education-matched control participants
IGD showed increased cortical thickness in the bilateral insulae and
the right inferior temporal gyrus.
Decreased cortical thickness in bilateral superior temporal sulci, the
right inferior parietal cortex, the right precuneus, the right
precentral gyrus, and the left middle temporal gyrus.
A positive correlation between the left insular cortical thickness and
symptom severity.