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. 2020 Jul 10;11:1664. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01664


Key composition of the dataset.

Characteristics Frequency % Cumulative %
Gender Female 159 36.1 36.1
Male 281 63.9 100.0
Age 20 to 29 244 55.5 55.5
30 to 39 143 32.5 88.0
40 to 49 32 7.3 95.3
50 and over 21 4.7 100.0
Omnichannel comfortableness Very comfortable 128 29.1 29.1
Somewhat comfortable 179 40.7 69.8
Neither comfortable/uncomfortable 110 25.0 94.8
Somewhat uncomfortable 18 4.1 98.9
Very uncomfortable 5 1.1 100.0
Job Employed for wages 274 62.2 62.2
Self-employed 132 30.0 92.2
Out of work 10 2.3 94.5
A homemaker 10 2.3 96.8
A student 11 2.5 99.3
ETC 3 0.7 100.0
Income Less than $30,000 190 43.2 43.2
$30,000 ∼ $59,999 147 33.4 76.6
$60,000 ∼ $89,999 74 16.8 93.4
$90,000 or more 29 6.6 100.0
Total 440 100.0 100.0