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. 2020 Jul 16;11:3566. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17297-z

Fig. 2. Electrical characterization of the MoS2 FETs with inkjet-printed silver contacts in ambient conditions.

Fig. 2

a Typical transfer characteristic curve measured as a function of the gate voltage for a drain voltage of 2.0 V. Logarithmic scale: black dots, drain current; red dots, gate current. b Typical transfer characteristic curve measured as a function of the gate voltage for a drain voltage of 2.0 V in linear scale. c Typical output characteristic measured at different gate voltages (from VGS = 0.0 V to VGS = 1.75 V, steps of 0.25 V). d Log–log curves of the output characteristic in low drain voltage region. Ohmic behavior is observed, suggesting good electrical contact between the silver contacts and MoS2. e Field-effect mobility and (ION/IOFF)/VDD for FETs characterized on paper substrates previously reported in the literature. VDD is the supply voltage for each device. Blue stars, this work, inkjet-printed silver contacts; purple star, this work, inkjet-printed graphene contacts; black dots, 2D materials (25, 28, 43); red dots, organic semiconductors (44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50); yellow dots, inorganic oxides (51, 52, 53, 54, 55); green dots, CNTs (56, 57). f Transfer characteristics and gate leakage currents measured for different bending radii along the current direction for a drain voltage of 2 V; inset, picture of a sample with MoS2 FET fabricated on paper.