Fig. 4. Five weeks of dulaglutide treatment decreased ethanol consumption in female rats.
a Compared to vehicle (Veh, square), dulaglutide (Dul, triangle) reduced ethanol intake in female rats during 5 weeks of active treatment (sessions 1–15). Ethanol consumption returned to baseline after treatment was terminated (session 16–33, area marked with grey). b Dulaglutide decreased ethanol preference, but no differences were noted during the treatment discontinuation period. c Water intake was higher in dulaglutide-treated rats, but this difference did not persist after discontinuation of treatment. d Dulaglutide treatment increased total fluid intake, which was sustained during the treatment discontinuation period. e Dulaglutide had an overall effect on food intake. However, this difference was not evident following treatment discontinuation. f Active dulaglutide treatment had no effect on body weight gain. Body weight gain was overall higher in rats previously treated with dulaglutide. Data are presented as mean ± SEM; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001: interaction effects after repeated measures two-way ANOVA. •P < 0.05, ••P < 0.001, •••P < 0.001: Bonferroni post-hoc analysis. Session 0 represent the baseline values.