Nc886 promoted CD45+CD8a+ and CD119+F4/80+ cells increasing in bone marrow. A, The percentage of tumor cells with the GFP tag in the total surviving cells distributed in the bone, spleen, lung, liver, and blood (left) and the percentage of GFP+ tissue macrophages in total macrophages in the bone, spleen, lung, liver, and blood (right). B, Flow cytometry revealed different clusters of lymphocytes, such as CD45+CD8a+, CD206+F4/80+, and CD119+F4/80+ cells, isolated from the bone and spleen of mice at 2 and 28 days (n = 6). C, The mechanical diagram. nc886 can activate CD8a T cells to destroy tumor cells through this mechanism of restricting tumor antigen loading. Activated macrophages from bone marrow and spleen tissue between scramble groups and nc886+ group has some differences in micromorphology and characteristics