Fig. 1. Schemes for BPTT and e-prop.
a RSNN with network inputs x, neuron spikes z, hidden neuron states h, and output targets y*, for each time step t of the RSNN computation. Output neurons y provide a low-pass filter of a weighted sum of network spikes z. b BPTT computes gradients in the unrolled version of the network. It has a new copy of the neurons of the RSNN for each time step t. A synaptic connection from neuron i to neuron j of the RSNN is replaced by an array of feedforward connections, one for each time step t, which goes from the copy of neuron i in the layer for time step t to a copy of neuron j in the layer for time step t + 1. All synapses in this array have the same weight: the weight of this synaptic connection in the RSNN. c Loss gradients of BPTT are propagated backwards in time and retrograde across synapses in an offline manner, long after the forward computation has passed a layer. d Online learning dynamics of e-prop. Feedforward computation of eligibility traces is indicated in blue. These are combined with online learning signals according to Eq. (1).