Fig. 4. Application of e-prop to the Atari game Pong.
a Here, the player (green paddle) has to outplay the opponent (light brown). A reward is acquired when the opponent cannot bounce back the ball (a small white square). To achieve this, the agent has to learn to hit the ball also with the edges of his paddle, which causes a less predictable trajectory. b The agent is realized by an LSNN. The pixels of the current video frame of the game are provided as input. During processing of the stream of video frames by the LSNN, actions are generated by the stochastic policy in an online manner. At the same time, future rewards are predicted. The current error in prediction is fed back both to the LSNN and the spiking CNN that preprocesses the frames. c Sample trial of the LSNN after learning with reward-based e-prop. From top to bottom: probabilities of stochastic actions, prediction of future rewards, learning dynamics of a random synapse (arbitrary units), spiking activity of 10 out of 240 sample LIF neurons and 10 out of 160 sample ALIF neurons, and membrane potentials (more precisely: ) for the two sample neurons j at the bottom of the spike raster above. d Learning progress of the LSNN trained with reward-based e-prop, reported as the sum of collected rewards during an episode. The learning curve is averaged over five different runs and the shaded area represents the standard deviation. More information about the comparison between our results and A3C are given in Supplementary Note 5.