Fig. 3. Phylogenetic position of dominant nanodiatoms isolated in the Western English Channel.
Phylogenetic rooted tree based on the 18S (a) and partial 28S (b) sequences of diatoms from the Thalassiosirales order. Porosira pseudodenticulata and Lithodesmium undulatum were taken as outgroups. The black stars indicate the positions of strains for which morphological characterizations were achieved in the frame of this study. Both Maximum Likelihood trees were generated using PhyML 3.0 with 1 000 replicates and a GTR + G + I substitution model according to the SMS analyses. Bootstrap values (%) greater than 80 are shown. Scale bars indicate the number of substitutions per site. Letters in superscript indicate that several strains had identical sequences. a: Minidiscus comicus strains RCC4660, RCC4661, RCC4662, and RCC5839 to RCC5859. b: Minidiscus spinulatus strains RCC4659, RCC5860 and RCC5861. c: Minidiscus variabilis strains RCC4657, RCC4658, RCC4665, RCC4666, and RCC5862 to RCC5880. d: Thalassiosira cf. profunda strains RCC4663 and RCC5881 to RCC5886. e: Thalassiosira sp. RCC4664 and RCC5887.