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. 2020 Jul 17;11:3606. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17384-1

Fig. 3. Nebivolol increases the amount of IF1 bound to the ATP synthase.

Fig. 3

HCT116 cells were treated (NEB, red) or not (CRL, black) during 3 h with 1 µM nebivolol. a Representative BN-immunoblots of mitochondrial membrane proteins blotted with the antibodies of the indicated subunits of the different OXPHOS complexes. The migration of supercomplexes (SC); complex I and I + III2 (NDUFA9); complex II (SDHB); complex III2, III2 + IV and I + III2 (Core 2); complex IV, IV2 and III2 + IV (COX IV); oligomers (Vn), dimers (V2), monomers (V), F1-ATPase and β-F1-ATPase subunit of the ATP synthase and their co-migration with IF1 are indicated. The migration of molecular mass markers is indicated in the Coomassie-stained gel and applied for all blots. VDAC and Coomassie-stained gel are shown as loading controls. b Plots of the quantification of the relative migration (arrowhead) of fractionated OXPHOS complexes. Bars indicate the mean of three different experiments ±SEM. *p = 0.042 (V) and 0.039 (F1) when compared to CRL by two-sided Student’s t test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.