(A) Western blot analysis of the expression levels of γ1-COP and γ2-COP, and α-tubulin as a loading control in pluripotent P19 WT, Copg1−/−, PB-Copg1 (Copg1−/− cells rescued with a PiggyBac transposon vector), Copg1−/− + Copg1-GFP (Copg1−/− cells rescued with a bacterial artificial chromosome), and Copg2−/−, PB-Copg2 cell lysates. The asterisk (*) marks a nonspecific signal. The arrow head indicates γ1-COP-GFP in lane 4. (A, B) Same as in (A) for P19 WT, Copg1−/− + Copg1-GFP, and Copg1−/−, Copg2−/− + Copg1-GFP cells. (C) Growth curves obtained from a real-time proliferation assay in which the occupied area (% confluence) by P19 WT, Copg1−/−, and Copg1−/− + Copg1-GFP cells was monitored over 72 h. Curves were generated with the IncuCyte software (n = 5, error bars are SEM).
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