Frozen sections of the spinal cord from both control and EAE mice from the cervical region of the spinal cord were stained with the CD4 antibody and DAPI nuclear stain. A representative CD4+ stained T cell is indicated by the arrowhead. All images were taken at under a 20X objective. Bar represents 100 microns in length. I-A and I-B, Saline cervical; I-C and I-D, EAE cervical at the ventral median fissure; I-E and I-F, EAE cervical at the central canal; II-A and II-B, Saline lumbosacral; II-C and II-D, EAE lumbosacral at the dorsal median sulci; G and H, EAE lumbosacral at the dorsal median sulci; K and L, EAE lumbosacral at the ventral median fissure. Results are representative of 4 mice.