Fig. 4.
Analysis of DA neuron maintenance in SNpC and striatal tissues from young and old mice. a Mesencephalic sections were stained with anti-tyrosine hydroxylase antibodies and counterstained with Nissl. TH and Nissl positive cells were counted in sections obtained from 1- and 18-month-old animals. Scale bar represents 100 μM. b Quantification of TH-immunoreactive neurons in the SNpC of animals expressing Nlrp3WT, Nlrp3A350V, and Nlrp3L351P. No significant differences in TH-immunoreactive cells were observed among cohorts. c Quantification of Nissl-positive neurons in the SNpC. No significant differences were observed with one-way ANOVA analysis. Error bars represent s.e.m. d Representative sections of striatal tissues from 1- and 18-month-old animals were sectioned and stained with anti-TH antibodies. Scale bar represents 500 μM. e Densitometric analysis of TH staining in the striatum revealed no significant differences among genotypes and ages with one-way ANOVA analysis. Error bars represent s.e.m. f Striatal tissues were homogenized and proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE. Immunoblotting with anti-TH antibodies was conducted. No significant differences in TH expression among genotypes or with age were observed. Anti-actin antibodies were used as a loading control