Table 3.
Measures of variables and their descriptive statistics.
Construct | Mean ± SD | Cronbach's α | Items | Factor loadings |
eHealth literacy | 3.525 ± 0.738 | .834 | 1. I know what health resources are available online | .794 |
2. I know where to find helpful online health resources | .801 | |||
3. I know how to find helpful online health resources | .856 | |||
4. I know how to use the internet to answer my health questions | .777 | |||
5. I know how to use the health information I find to help me | .803 | |||
6. I have the skills to evaluate the health information I find | .786 | |||
7. I can tell high-quality from low-quality online health information | .763 | |||
8. I feel confident in using online information to make health decisions | .792 | |||
Confirmation bias 1 | 3.512 ± 0.981 | .865 | 1. The arguments in this article are (very inconsistent, inconsistent, neutral, consistent, very consistent) with my initial beliefs | .851 |
2. I (very disagree, disagree, am neutral, agree, very agree) with the arguments in this article | .833 | |||
3. I (very dislike, dislike, am neutral with, like, very like) the arguments in this article | .827 | |||
Intention to share 2 | 3.175 ± 1.145 | .847 | 1. I shall share this article with others on social media (from very impossible to very possible) | .858 |
2. I intend to share the article with others on social media (from very impossible to very possible) | .869 |
Note:1. For interpreting the 5-point Likert Scale of confirmation bias, if the value locates the interval from 1 to 2 (excluding 2), it means extreme negative confirmation bias; if the value locates the interval from 2 to 3 (excluding 3), it means moderate negative confirmation bias; 3 means no confirmation bias; if the value locates the interval from 3 to 4 (excluding 4), it means moderate positive confirmation bias; if the value locates the interval from 4 to 5, it means extreme positive confirmation bias.
2. For interpreting the 5-point Likert Scale of intention to share, 1 refers to “very impossible,” 2 refers to “impossible,” 3 refers to “neutral,” 4 refers to “possible,” and 5 refers to “very possible.”.