Third group: highly suspicious for COVID-19 infection—PCR test not performed. A, Nests of Langerhans cells (arrows). B, Band-like infiltration diffusely epidermo and folliculotropic (arrow). C, Diffuse necrotic intraepidermal keratinocytes with satellitosis (double arrows). D, Abnormally swollen vessels in the superficial dermis (arrow). E, Large ballooning keratinocytes with nuclear features resembling a cytopathic viral infection in a hair follicle (arrow). F, Superficial and deep perivascular vesiculospongiotic dermatitis with cuff of lymphocytes around deep vessels (arrows). G, Necrotic keratinocytes with lymphocytic satellitosis (arrows). H, Marked exocytosis (black arrow) and periductal lymphocytosis (red arrow). I, Deep glomerular glands surrounded by lymphocytes (arrow).