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. 2020 Jul 19;745:140910. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140910

Table 4.

Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and sludge.

Location of WWTPs
Sample type;
Sampling mode;
Storage temperature
Sample pre-treatment Concentration method PCR inhibitor treatment RNA extraction Concentration in genome copies/L
Viability test results, number samples with infectious virus/total number of samples Detection/quantization/viability analysis methods
Influent Effluent
Medema et al., 2020;
The Netherlands
Municipal wastewater;
Composite sampling (24 h);
250 mL;
4 °C
Centrifugation Centrifugal filtration (Centricon Plus-70, MWCO of 10 kDa) RNeasy PowerMicrobe
(Qiagen) and
Biomerieux Nulisens Kit (Biomerieux) in combination with semi-automated KingFisher mL purification system (Thermo Scientific)
a a a RT-PCR: (one step) EvoScript RNA Probes Master (Roche);
Indirect evaluation by F-specific RNA phages assay
(Wu et al., 2020b, Wu et al., 2020a)
Massachusetts, USA
Municipal wastewater;
Composite sampling (24 h);
4 °C
(60 °C, 90 min) and
filtration (0.2 μm pore size)
PEG/NaCl, centrifugation TRIzol 1.04 × 103 a a RT-PCR
Reverse transcriptase,
TaqMan fast advanced master mix, Thermofisher
Nemudryi et al., 2020;
Montana, USA
Municipal wastewater;
Composite sampling (24 h); 500 mL;
Filtration (5 μm and 0.45 μm pore size) Centrifugal filtration (Corning Spin-X UF, MWCO of 100 kDa) RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) 104 a a RT-qPCR (one-step) TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (ThermoFisher);
SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase (Thermo Fisher Scientific);
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (New England Biolabs)
Ahmed et al., 2020
Municipal wastewater;
Composite sampling (24 h) and grab sampling;
100–200 mL;
4 °C
Filtration (0.45 μm pore size) a. Electronegative membrane filtration (HAWP09000, Merk; pore size of 0.45 μm)
b. Centrifugal filtration (Centricon Plus-70, MWCO of 10 kDa)
RNeasy PowerWater Kit; RNeasy PowerMicrobiome (Qiagen) 1.90 × 101 to
1.2 × 102
a a RT-qPCR (one-step) iTaq™ Universal Probes One-Step Reaction Mix (Bio-Rad)
Wurtzer et al., 2020;
Municipal wastewater;
11 mL;
Ultracentrifugation PCR Inhibitor removal resin (Zymo Research) PowerFecal Pro kit with a QIAsymphony automated extractor (QIAGEN) 5.00 × 104 to
3.00 × 106
a a RT-qPCR
Wang et al., 2020b, Wang et al., 2020a; China Hospital sewage;
SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection kit (Shanghai Berger Medical Technology Co., China) a a 0/6 RT-PCR;
Viability in Vero-E6 cells
(Randazzo et al., 2020);
Municipal wastewater;
Grab sampling
200 mL;
4 °C
pH Adjustment at 6; Precipitation with AlCl3, centrifugation; elution with beef extract (3%, pH 7.4), centrifugation and resuspension in PBS Nucleospin RNA virus Kit (Macherey-Nagel) 1.48 × 105 to
3.90 × 105
Secondary Effluent:
2.51 × 105

Tertiary Effluent:
No detection
a PrimeScript™ One Step RT-PCR Kit;
RT-qPCR diagnostic panel assays (US CDC, 2019-nCoV RUO Kit and the positive control 2019-nCoV_N_Positive Control by Integrated DNA Technologies).
La Rosa et al., 2020;
Municipal wastewater;
Grab sampling;
250 mL;
−20 °C
(57 °C, 30 min)
PEG-Dextran precipitation One step PCR Inhibitor removal kit (Zymo Research) NucliSENS miniMAG semi-automated extraction system (bioMerieux,) a a a RT-PCR
SuperScript III/IV Reverse Transcriptase (ThermoFisher Scientific);
Kit Platinum™ SuperFi™
Green PCR Master Mix, Thermo),
Rimoldi et al., 2020;
Municipal wastewater;
Grab sampling;
500 mL;
Specific temperature not reported (samples were under refrigeration)
Filtration (0.7 μm and 0.2 μm nominal pore size) Not carried out QIAMP VIRAL RNA mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) a a Influent: 0/8
Effluent: 0/4
Real-Time RT-PCR
Viability in Vero E6 cells
Bar Or et al., 2020;
Municipal wastewater;
Composite sampling (24 h);
0.25–1 L;
−20 °C or − 80 °C
Centrifugation a. PEG or alum precipitation, centrifugation,
b. Centrifugal filtration (Amicon, MWCO of 30 kDa)
RNA extraction kit (RNeasy mini kit- QIAGEN and EasyMAG-bioMerieux, France) Only Cycle Treshold (Ct) numbers were given

(i.e. number of cycles required for the fluorescent signal to cross the threshold)
Only Cycle Treshold (Ct) numbers were given

(i.e. number of cycles required for the fluorescent signal to cross the threshold)
Haramoto et al., 2020 Municipal wastewater;
Grab sampling;
Influent: 200 mL
Secondary Effluent: 5000 mL;
Electronegative membrane-vortex method;
Adsorption direct RNA extraction method
RNeasy PowerWater Kit (Qiagen) Not detected 2.4 × 103 a RT-qPCR
Nested PCR
Zhang et al., 2020 Municipal wastewater;
Grab sampling;
2.0 L;
4 °C
Centrifugation PEG 6000/NaCl precipitation EZ1 virus Mini kit
(Qiagen, Germany)
Not detected

(After primary disinfection tank before septic tank)
0.5 × 103 to
18.7 × 103

(After septic tank with disinfection with sodium hypochlorite)
(Alpaslan Kocamemi et al., 2020);
Municipal wastewater sludge;
Grab sampling;
Centrifugation; filtration (0.45 and 0.2 μm nominal pore size); pH Adjustment at 7.0–7.2 PEG 8000/centrifugation n.r. Roche MagNA pure LC total nucleic acid isolation kit using Roche MagNA pure LC system (Penzberg, Germany) Primary Sludge:
1.25 × 104

Waste Activated Sludge:
1.17 × 104 to
4.02 × 104
Peccia et al., 2020 Municipal wastewater sludge;
Grab sampling;
2.5 mL;
-80 °C
Not carried out Not carried out
(Direct addition of sludge to RNA extraction kit)
n.r. RNeasey PowerSoil Total RNA kit, Qiagen Primary Sludge:
1.7 × 106 to
4.6 x 108

Note: n.r. Not reported


No available quantitative (concentration) or viability data of virus in wastewater or sludge