Fig. 2.
A) Grayscale images of HA-doped agarose, collagen and fibrin hydrogels containing HA-doped agarose bead (white arrow). Dashed lines indicate a line of sight (LOS) through a location in the sample without (yellow line) and with (red line) the microbead. B) Displacement color maps corresponding to LOS without microbead (LOS1). C) Peak displacement profile of the sample at the surface of the construct in LOS 1 (without microbead). D) Displacement color map corresponding to a location with the microbead (LOS2). E) Peak displacement profiles at the depth of the microbead surface of the LOS without (yellow trace, LOS1) and with (red trace, LOS2) the microbead. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)