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. 2020 Jul 20;36(2):397–402.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2020.07.037

Appendix B.

Sensitivity Analysis in the Public >60 years Old (n = 70).

Question/Statement Respondents, n (%)
Not at all Very Little Somewhat To a Great Extent
How worried would you be about becoming infected with COVID-19 if you were in the hospital getting surgery? 10 (14.3) 14 (20.0) 23 (32.9) 23 (32.9)
How worried would you be about the risk of exposing your family to COVID-19 after your surgery?
11 (15.7)
22 (31.4)
21 (30.0)
16 (22.9)

Within 1 mo
1 mo to 3 mo
3 mo to 6 mo
Greater than 6 mo
Once COVID-19 restrictions are removed, when would you feel comfortable having elective (nonurgent) surgery?
22 (31.4)
15 (21.4)
20 (28.6)
13 (18.6)

Outpatient Surgery Center
If given the choice, where would you prefer to have elective (nonurgent) surgery post-COVID-19? 37 (52.9) 33 (47.1)
No Yes
There may be a long wait list for elective surgery post-COVID-19. Would you pay an extra fee to have your surgery done sooner? 48 (68.6) 22 (31.4)
There may be a long wait list for elective surgery post-COVID-19. Would you change surgeons if you had to wait too long?
52 (74.3)
18 (25.7)

Check-in and waiting room
Operating room
Interactions with staff
Postsurgery recovery area
What part of the surgical process would worry you the most about getting COVID-19?
26 (37.1)
12 (17.1)
23 (32.9)
9 (12.9)

In-person visit
Telehealth visit
For your first visit after surgery, would you prefer to see your surgeon in-person or with a video call (telehealth)? 35 (50.0) 35 (50.0)