Appendix B.
Sensitivity Analysis in the Public >60 years Old (n = 70).
Question/Statement | Respondents, n (%) |
Not at all | Very Little | Somewhat | To a Great Extent | |
How worried would you be about becoming infected with COVID-19 if you were in the hospital getting surgery? | 10 (14.3) | 14 (20.0) | 23 (32.9) | 23 (32.9) |
How worried would you be about the risk of exposing your family to COVID-19 after your surgery? |
11 (15.7) |
22 (31.4) |
21 (30.0) |
16 (22.9) |
Within 1 mo |
1 mo to 3 mo |
3 mo to 6 mo |
Greater than 6 mo |
Once COVID-19 restrictions are removed, when would you feel comfortable having elective (nonurgent) surgery? |
22 (31.4) |
15 (21.4) |
20 (28.6) |
13 (18.6) |
Hospital |
Outpatient Surgery Center |
If given the choice, where would you prefer to have elective (nonurgent) surgery post-COVID-19? | 37 (52.9) | 33 (47.1) | ||
No | Yes | |||
There may be a long wait list for elective surgery post-COVID-19. Would you pay an extra fee to have your surgery done sooner? | 48 (68.6) | 22 (31.4) | ||
There may be a long wait list for elective surgery post-COVID-19. Would you change surgeons if you had to wait too long? |
52 (74.3) |
18 (25.7) |
Check-in and waiting room |
Operating room |
Interactions with staff |
Postsurgery recovery area |
What part of the surgical process would worry you the most about getting COVID-19? |
26 (37.1) |
12 (17.1) |
23 (32.9) |
9 (12.9) |
In-person visit |
Telehealth visit |
For your first visit after surgery, would you prefer to see your surgeon in-person or with a video call (telehealth)? | 35 (50.0) | 35 (50.0) |