Nlg3Def1 but not nlg3L04 or nlg3GS32 have altered social space. Mean number of flies within four body lengths (4BL) ± s.e.m. (A) Males nlg3Def1 have significantly less flies within 4BL than male Cs, regardless of their age (two-way ANOVA: F1,49=5.538, p = 0.0227; 3–4 days old: n = 15 trials for Cs, n = 13 for nlg3Def1; 7–10 days old: n = 14 for Cs and n = 11 for nlg3Def1). (B) No difference was observed between young Cs and nlg3Def1 females; however old nlg3Def1 females had less flies within 4BL than Cs (Welch’s t-test: T13.62=2.097, p = 0.0276; 3–4 days old: n = 12 trials for Cs and nlg3Def1; 7–10 days old: n = 14 for Cs and n = 7 for nlg3Def1). The 7–10 day-old nlg3Def1 and Cs females were tested on different days than 3–4 day-old flies, they were therefore plotted on separate axis and Welch’s t-tests were performed on the difference between nlg3Def1 and Cs at each age. There was no effect of age, genotype, or any interaction for nlg3L04 male (C) or female (D) and nlg3GS32 male (E) or female (F). Color coding of bars corresponds to type of mutation: grey represents Cs, red represents nlg3Def1, blue represents nlg3L04, and orange represents nlg3GS32. The p-values were determined using a two-way ANOVA. Error bars represent s.e.m. (C,D): Males: 3–4 days old: n = 9 trials for Cs and n = 8 for nlg3GS32; 7–10 days old: n = 9 for Cs and nlg3GS32. Females: 3–4 days old: n = 9 for Cs and n = 8 for nlg3GS32; 7–10 days old: n = 9 for Cs and nlg3GS32. E-F: Males: 3–4 days old: n = 9 for Cs and n = 8 for nlg3L04; 7–10 days old: n = 9 trials for Cs and nlg3L04. Females: 3–4 days old: n = 9 for Cs and n = 7 for nlg3L04; 7–10 days old: n = 7 for Cs and nlg3L04. (G) The 3–4 day-old elav > nlg3 males were not different from UAS-nlg3/+ control flies but elav-Gal4/+ flies had a higher number of flies within 4BL. elav > nlg3 7–10 day-old males were however more social than the two genotype controls (two-way ANOVA—effect of genotype: F2,30 = 7.440, p = 0.0024; effect of age: F2,30 = 0.02485, p = 0.8758; interaction of age and genotype: F1,30 = 6.496, p = 0.0024; 3–4 days old: n = 6 trials for elav-Gal4/+, n = 6 UAS-nlg3/+ and n = 5 for elav > nlg3; 7–10 days old: n = 6 for elav-Gal4/+, n = 8 for UAS-nlg3/+ and n = 6 for elav > nlg3). (H) Female elav > nlg3 3–4 days old had an increased number of flies within 4BL compared to elav-Gal4/+ and UAS-nlg3/+ controls. The 7–10 day-old elav > nlg3 females had an intermediate phenotype with higher number of flies within 4BL than elav-Gal4/+ but lower number of flies within 4BL than UAS-nlg3/+ 7–10 days old (two-way ANOVA—effect of genotype: F2,32 = 2.993, p = 0.0644; effect of age: F1,32 = 9.240, p = 0.0047; interaction of age and genotype: F2,32 = 3.633, p = 0.0379; 3–4 days old: n = 6 trials for elav-Gal4/+ and UAS-nlg3/+, n = 5 for elav > nlg3; 7–10 days old: n = 5 for elav-Gal4/+, n = 8 UAS-nlg3/+ and elav > nlg3). For (A–H): n = 5–15 trials–as detailed above–with 12–17 flies–always some escapees–per trial. Lighter colors represent 3–4 day-old flies. Darker colors represent 7–10 day-old flies.