Locomotor activity is altered in nlg3Def1 flies. (A,B) Startle-induced climbing represented by the mean percent ± s.e.m. of flies reaching the top vial. (A) nlg3Def1 males had less flies than Cs reaching the top vial at 3–4 days old (two-way ANOVA –effect of genotype: F1,31 = 4.464, p = 0.0428). However, this was not the case at 7–10 days old, where there was no difference between Cs and nlg3Def1. Cs males also had less flies reaching the top vial at 7–10 days old compared to 3–4 days old but this difference was not observed in nlg3Def1 (two-way ANOVA—effect of age F1,31 = 9.391, p = 0.0045; interaction between age and genotype F1,31 = 4.780, p = 0.0365). (B) nlg3Def1 females had less flies than Cs reaching the top vial at both ages (two-way ANOVA—effect of genotype: F1,30 = 8.238, p = 0.0075); however flies at 7–10 days old had a lower percentage reaching the top vial compared to 3–4 day-old flies (two-way ANOVA—effect of age: F1,30 = 23.38, p < 0.0001). n = 15 trials of 40 flies for all treatments. (C) elav > nlg3 males had no difference in the number of flies reaching the top vial at 3–4 days old compared to the genotype controlled elav-Gal4/+ and UAS-nlg3/+ (two-way ANOVA—effect of genotype: F2,38 = 1.809, p = 0.1776). At 7–10 days old there was a decrease in the number of elav-Gal4/+ and UAS-nlg3/+ flies reaching the top vial (two-way ANOVA—effect of age: F1,38 = 29.39, p < 0.0001). However, elav > nlg3 males at 7–10 days old did not show this reduction in percentage of flies reaching the top vial (two-way ANOVA—interaction of age and genotype: F2,38 = 3.993, p = 0.0267). (D) elav > nlg3 females mirror this trend. The 3–4 day-old females also had no difference in the number of flies reaching the top compared to the genotype controls of the same age (two-way ANOVA—effect of genotype: F2, 36 = 0.09254, p = 0.9118). As well, elav-Gal4/+ and UAS-nlg3/+ 7–10 day-old females decrease in the number of flies reaching the top vial (two-way ANOVA—effect of age: F1, 36 = 42.12, p < 0.0001). The 7–10 day-old elav > nlg3 females also had a reduction in the age-related decline of startle-induced climbing although not statistically significant (two-way ANOVA—interaction of age and genotype: F2,36 = 1.760, p = 0.1865). C,D: n = 5–9 trials of 40 flies. (E,F) Spontaneous locomotor activity presented as violin plots of the mean number of beam crossings. (E) Age and genotype affect locomotor activity in males (Kruskal–Wallis: p = 0.0004), and male nlg3Def1 had increased locomotor activity compared to Cs at 7–10 days old but not at 3–4 days old (Dunn’s post hoc: p = 0.0032). (F) In females a similar trend was observed (Kruskal–Wallis: p = 0.0367), where nlg3Def1 7–10 days old had higher activity than Cs (Dunn’s post hoc: p = 0.0806). E,F: n = 15 individual flies. Dotted horizontal lines represents 25–75% quartiles, solid horizontal line displays the median. Those are not visible when 75% of the data = 0. Lighter colors represent 3–4 day-old flies. Darker colors represent 7–10 day-old flies.