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. 2020 Jun 30;21(13):4676. doi: 10.3390/ijms21134676
ACF Aortocaval fistula
ACFRs ACF rats
CHD Congenital heart disease
COLIA1 Collagen I A1
COLIA2 Collagen I A2
ECM Extracellular matrix
GAPDH Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
IACUC Institutional animal care and use committee
IPAH Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
i.p. Intraperitoneal
IVC Inferior vena cava
MCT Monocrotaline
MHC Myosin heavy chain
PAH-CHD Pulmonary arterial hypertension-congenital heart disease
PaO2 Partial pressure of oxygen
PAs pulmonary arteries
PASMCs Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells
PH Pulmonary hypertension
PRN pro re nata
PVR Pulmonary vascular resistance
RV/LV+S Right Ventricle weight to Left Ventricle plus septum weight
SE Standard error
SD Sprague-Dawley
SMC Smooth muscle cell
TASMC Thoracic aorta smooth muscle cell
VSD Ventricular septal defect
VSMCs Vascular smooth muscle cells