a Five types of alternative splicing events were identified in Kiaa1429Zp3cKO samples (SE skipped exon, MXE mutually exclusive exon, RI retained intron, A5SS alternative 5′ splice site, A3SS alternative 3′ splice site). b The cumulative frequency plot for the alternative exon inclusion levels in control and Kiaa1429Zp3cKO oocytes. The exon inclusion levels were transformed by log2. P < 0.01, Wilcoxon signed-rank paired test. c Distribution of YTHDC1 and SRSF3 motifs near splice sites of skipped exon events (100 nt upstream and 300 nt downstream from 50 splice sites, 50 SS, and 300 nt upstream and 100 nt downstream from 30 splice sites, 30 SS). d Sashimi plot and RT-PCR validation of Pdlim7 gene in control and Kiaa1429Zp3cKO oocytes. The alternative exon (Exon 5 (E5)) is marked in gray.