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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jul 20.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2019 Aug 1;5(1):52. doi: 10.1038/s41572-019-0102-3

Table 1 |.

Ongoing RCTs in OCD

Title Design Interventions Population NCT number
An eHealth intervention for OCD in youths with autism spectrum disorder Open-label Internet CBT Children and adolescents NCT03473080
Treatment effects of family based CBT in children and adolescents with OCD RCT Family-based CBT versus family-based psychoeducation/relaxation training Children and adolescents NCT03595098
Internet-delivered CBT for paediatricOCD RCT Internet-delivered CBT versus CBT Children and adolescents NCT03263546
Overlapping neural circuits in paediatric OCD Open-label ERP and when indicated medication treatment Children and adolescents NCT02421315
Clinical outcomes in paediatric OCD RCT Croup-based family CBT versus waitlist Children and adolescents NCT01635569
Neurocircuit mechanisms of OCD across the lifespan RCT CBT, stress management therapy, optional CBT for adolescents and adults; fMRI only for healthy control adolescents and adults Adolescents and adults NCT02437773
Quality assessment in exposure therapy Open-label Exposure therapy Children, adolescents and adults NCT03182101
BIP in Jamtland Harjedalen: increased access to CBT within regular healthcare in northern Sweden Open-label Internet CBT Children and adolescents NCT02926365
Building an outcomes assessment infrastructure to assess anxiety treatment Open-label CBT Children and adolescents NCT02305537
Metacognitive therapy for OCD RCT Metacognitive therapy versus ERP Adults NCT02867449
Internet-based versus face-to-face CBT for OCD RCT CBT (face-to-face) versus internet-based CBT versus internet-based CBT without therapist support Adults NCT02541968
Fear extinction and mechanisms of change in OCD RCT Exposure therapy versus waitlist Adults NCT02467374
Cognitive training in OCD Open-label n-Back (cognitive training) Adults NCT02818088
Inference-based cognitive therapy versus ERPforOCD RCT Inference-based cognitive therapy versus ERP Adults NCT03677947
Decision-making impairments in OCD: an integrated behavioural economics model Open-label Decision-making tasks Adults NCT03420495
Mindfulness meditation utilizing an EEG biofeedback device for the treatment for OCD RCT Mindfulness meditation versus waitlist Adults NCT03273699
Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a mobile app (nOCD) for OCD Open-label Therapist-assisted mobile intervention Adults NCT03476902
Cognitive checking intervention for maladaptive beliefs about memory RCT CBT for maladaptive beliefs about memory versus treatment as usual Adults NCT03241056
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: efficacy and fMRI-based response predictors in a group of OCD patients RCT Mindfulness-based intervention versus treatment as usual Adults NCT03128749
Computerized training for individuals diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive and related disorders Open-label Computerized training Adults NCT03182075
The role of cognitive control in the transdiagnostic conceptualization of “Intrusive thoughts” Open-label Cognitive control tasks and script driven imagery Adults NCT03414619
Efficacy of adding topiramate to current treatment in refractory OCD RCT Topiramate versus placebo Adults NCT00182520
Fear conditioned response in healthy subjects and in OCD patients pretreatment and post-treatment with sertraline Open-label Sertraline Adults NCT03068429
Pharmaco(epi)genetic study of OCD Open-label SSRIs and clomipramine Adults NCT02431845
A pilot study examining the gut microbiota in patients with OCD versus healthy controls and following 12 weeks of open-label SSRI treatment Open-label SSRIs Adults NCT02285699
BHV-4157 in adult subjects with OCD RCT BHV-4157 versus placebo Adults NCT03299166
A study of pregabalin (Lyrica) augmentation in serotonin reuptake inhibitor-refractory OCD RCT Pregabalin versus placebo Adults NCT00994786
TolcaponeinOCD Randomized and crossover trial Tolcapone versus placebo Adults NCT03348930
Efficacy of psilocybin in OCD: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study RCT Psilocybin versus niacin Adults NCT03356483
Understanding how ketamine brings about rapid improvement in OCD RCT Ketamine versus midazolam Adults NCT02624596
Probiotic treatment in adult OCD RCT Probiotic formula (LactobaciUus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) versus placebo Adults NCT02334644
Effects of marijuana on symptoms of OCD RCT High-THC/low-CBD marijuana versus low-THC/high-CBD marijuana versus placebo Adults NCT03274440
Effect of vitamin C on SSRI-treated OCD patients RCT SSRI plus vitamin C versus SSRI Adults NCT03754647
Effects of ondansetron in obsessive-compulsive and tic disorders RCT Ondansetron versus placebo Adults NCT03239210
Psilocybin for treatment of OCD RCT High-dose psilocybin versus low-dose psilocybin versus lorazepam Adults NCT03300947
Bioequivalence study of paroxetine tablets and Paxil under fasting and fed conditions in Chinese healthy volunteers RCT Paroxetine hydrochloride tablet 20 mg versus Paxil 20 mg Adults NCT03504475
Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy
Efficacy of ERP and SSRIs in Chinese OCD patients Randomized and crossover trial Fluoxetine, citalopram, paroxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine and ERP Adolescents and adults NCT02022709
Influence of pregnenolone on exposure therapy in OCD RCT Exposure therapy with pharmacological facilitation versus exposure therapy Adults NCT01949753
The study of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and OCD RCT Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus psychoeducation versus SSRI Adults NCT03179839
Cannabinoid medication for adults with OCD RCT Nabilone versus nabilone plus ERP Adults NCT02911324
Open/aftercare treatment for participants diagnosed with OCD Open-label Pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy Adults NCT03511534
The study of the pathogenesis and cognitive behavioural group therapy in OCD RCT CBT versus SSRI versus CBT plus SSRI Adults NCT02739061
Psychotherapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation
Neuromodulation enhanced cognitive restructuring: a proof-of-concept study RCT Cognitive restructuring plus rTMS (left) versus cognitive restructuring plus rTMS (right) versus cognitive restructuring plus sham rTMS Adults NCT02573246
tDCS for treatment-resistant OCD RCT Active tDCS versus sham Adults NCT03304600
tDCS as an add-on treatment in SSRI-resistant OCD RCT Active tDCS versus sham Adults NCT02407288
Neurocircuitryof OCD: modulation by tDCS Open-label tDCS Adults NCT02704117
TMS in OCD: mechanisms and biomarkers RCT Active TMS versus sham Adults NCT02355002
rTMS over the supplementary motor area for treatment-resistant OCD RCT Active rTMS versus sham Adults NCT03211221
rTMS in OCD RCT Active rTMS versus placebo rTMS Adults NCT02884674
Tolerability, safety and efficacy of the H AC-coil deep TMS in medication-resistant OCD subjects Randomized and crossover trial Low-frequency TMS versus high-frequency TMS versus sham Adults NCT01343732
rTMS in treatment-refractory OCD Randomized and crossover trial Active rTMS versus sham Adults NCT02450695
Study of magnetic brain stimulation in treatment of OCD RCT Active TMS versus sham Adults NCT02018185
rTMS treatment for OCD RCT Active TMS versus sham Adults NCT03393078
Theta burst stimulation for compulsive behaviour noninvasive brain stimulation study RCT Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) pattern TMS and habit override practice versus intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) pattern TMS and habit override practice Adults NCT03265015
Magnetic seizure therapy for treatment-resistant depression, schizophrenia and OCD Open-label Magnetic seizure therapy Adults NCT01596608
NeurofeedbackforOCD RCT Neurofeedback versus control feedback Adults NCT02206945
Reclaim DBS therapy for OCD Open-label Reclaim DBS therapy Adults NCT02773082
DBS for OCD: improving targeting precision RCT Microelectrode-assisted technique versus standard technique Adults NCT02377375
DBS of the bilateral habenula for treatment-refractory OCD Open-label Bilateral surgical implantation of DBS system to habenula Adults NCT03463590
Novel DBS in ventral capsule and stratum for refractory OCD Randomized and crossover trial Active stimulation: stimulator on followed by off versus sham stimulation: stimulator off followed by on Adults NCT02590445
Combined cortical/subcortical recording and stimulation as a circuit-oriented treatment for OCD Open-label Medtronic primary celland sensing DBS Adults NCT03184454
Development of adaptive DBS for OCD Case series DBS discontinuation follow-up Adults NCT03457675
DBS and OCD RCT DBS of subthalamic nucleus versus DBS of ventral striatum Adults NCT01329133
European study of quality of life in resistant OCD patients treated by STN DBS RCT DBS versus psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment Adults NCT02844049
Efficacy and adverse events of bilateral single-shot ventral capsular or ventral striatal gamma capsulotomy for OCD: a pilot study Open-label Gamma ventral capsulotomy Adults NCT02433886
Evaluation of capsulotomy by linear accelerator radiosurgery in severe and refractory OCD Open-label Bilateral gamma-knife capsulotomy Adults NCT02500888
Trial of MR-guided focused ultrasonography (MRgFUS) bilateral capsulotomy for the treatment of refractory OCD Open-label Focused ultrasonography Adults NCTO3156335

CBD, cannabidiol; CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy ; DBS, deep brain stimulation; EEG, electroencephalography ; ERP, exposure and response prevention; fMRI, functional MRI; MR, magnetic resonance; OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder ; RCT, randomized controlled trial; rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor ; STN, subthalamic nucleus; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; THC, tetrahydrocannabinol; TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation.