Schematic of how the coc at each wavelength was converted to a blur-disc as detected by SWS and LWS cones. A, For a series of wavelengths in 10 nm increments from 380 to 780 nm, the diameter of the circle of confusion was calculated as illustrated in Fig. 2 (only three example wavelengths are shown here for clarity). Then the intensity of the light within each blur disc was calculated as the normalized photon count of the light spectrum at that wavelength, divided by the area of the blur disk. B, At each wavelength, the value of absorbance was determined separately for the SWS and the LWS cones, and this was used to scale the effective intensity (photon catch) of the light within the blur disks. The result was two separate series of blur disks, one for the SWS cones and one for the LWS cones.