Figure 4. Distractors had opposite effects on decision accuracy as a function of difficulty in all experiments.
The main effect of the distractor was different depending on decision difficulty. (a) In accordance with the predictions of the dual route model, high value distractors (D-HV is high) facilitated decision making when the decision was hard (blue bars), whereas there was a tendency for high value distractors to impair decision making when the decision was easy (red bars). Data are shown for (b) Experiment 1 fMRI2014, Experiment 2 Gluth4, Experiment 3 Hong Kong. (c) The same is true when data from the other experiments, Experiments 4–6 (i.e. Gluth1-3), are examined in a similar way. However, participants made decisions in these experiments in a different manner: they were less likely to integrate probability and magnitude features of the options in the optimal manner when making decisions and instead were more likely to choose on the basis of a weighted sum of the probability and magnitude components of the options. Thus, in Experiments 4–6 (i.e. Gluth1-3), the difficulty of a trial can be better described by the weighted sum of the magnitude and probability components associated with each option rather than the true objective value difference HV-LV. This may be because these experiments included additional ‘decoy’ trials that were particularly difficult and on which it was especially important to consider the individual attributes of the options rather than just their integrated expected value. Whatever the reason for the difference in behaviour, once an appropriate difficulty metric is constructed for these participants, the pattern of results is the same as in panel a. # p<0.1, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Error bars indicate standard error.