(A) Schematic of inducible AT2 cell lineage tracing mice SpC/Tomato.
(B) Four Tmx injections were given to SpC/Tomato mice at 15 to 5 days before PA injury. JTE-013 or DMSO was i.t. injected into the lungs 3 days after PA, and the lungs were harvested on day 10 after the PA.
(C and D) Lung sections were stained for Tomato to mark AT2 and AT2-derived cells. Fewer AT1-like Tomato+ cells (arrows) were detected in JTE-013-treated lungs (D) than control lungs (C). Scale bar, 30 μm. (C′) Enlarged image of a representative lung section showing squamous Tomato+ cells (arrows) co-expressing T1α. Scale bar, 30 μm.
(E and F) Pixel numbers of Tomato+AT1-like cells (E) were measured and normalized to the number of Tomato+ AT2 cells on the same section and plotted (F).
Mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01. See also Figure S6.