Diagnosis of severe asthma, per ERS/ATS guidelines,2 for ≥12 months prior to enrollment, with investigator confirmation that severe asthma symptoms are not due to an alternative diagnosis
Currently receiving care from specialist physicians (eg, AI) at the investigator’s or sub-investigator’s site
Age ≥18 years
Meeting ≥1 of the following criteria:
Uncontrolled on asthma treatment consistent with GINA Step 4 or 5, receiving high-dosage ICS with additional controllers
Uncontrolled is defined by meeting ≥1 of the following (as outlined by ATS/ERS guidelines):
Poor symptom control: Asthma Control Questionnaire consistently >1.5, ACT <20 (or “not well controlled” by NAEPP/GINA guidelines)
Frequent severe exacerbations: ≥2 bursts of systemic corticosteroids (>3 days each) in the previous 12 months
Serious exacerbations: ≥1 hospitalization, ICU stay, or mechanical ventilation in the last 12 months
Airflow limitation: after appropriate bronchodilator withheld FEV1 <80% predicted (in the face of reduced FEV1/FVC defined as less than the LLN)
For the purposes of this study, high-dosage ICS will be defined as:
ICS at a cumulative dosage of >500 µg fluticasone propionate equivalents daily, or
Highest labeled dosage of a combination of ICS/LABA
Current use of an FDA-approved monoclonal antibody agent for treatment of severe asthma (with use not primarily for an alternative condition)
Use of systemic corticosteroids or other systemic immunosuppressants (any dosage level) for ≥50% of the prior 12 months for treatment of severe asthma (with use not primarily for an alternative condition)
Not willing and able to sign written informed consent
Not fluent in English or Spanish
Unable to complete study follow-up or web-based PROs
Received an investigational therapy for asthma, allergy, atopic disease, or eosinophilic disease as part of a clinical trial during the 6 months prior to enrollment
Once enrolled in CHRONICLE, patients can enroll in trials of investigational therapies (as well as other noninterventional studies) as long as they continue to complete study follow-up. If a patient enrolls in a trial of investigational therapy, the identity (NCT number) of the study and dates of the first and last investigational therapy administration will be collected. If the patient receives blinded therapy in a trial, the investigator will request the identity of that therapy at trial conclusion so that treatment information collected for the current study may be updated accordingly