Table 5.
Workplace distancing details
Social distancing |
Enhanced social distancing |
Distancing in daily life |
1.29 - 2.22 | 2.23-5.5 | 5.6 ~ |
Use sick leave and flexible work | ||
Active use of flexible working system (telework, time off work, and so on) and vacation system (family care leave, annual leave, sick leave, and so on) | ||
Meeting and business trips | ||
Deferring or canceling domestic and overseas business trips, workshops, collective training, training, and so on. | Domestic and foreign business trips are carried out to a minimum, and masks are used in public transportation.Workshops, education, training, and so on can be conducted online or through video. If it is difficult to conduct online, it is carried out on a small scale, but checks for fever, requires masks, provides hand sanitizer, and keeps a sufficient distance between participants | |
Small groups, in-house club activities, hobby gatherings, and drinking parties are prohibited. | Avoid small gatherings, club activities, and dinners, and return home early after work. | |
Use the simple meeting room outside the office to receive outside visitors | ||
Suspicious symptoms monitoring and action in case of symptomatic case | ||
When commuting to work, body temperature is monitored using a noncontact thermometer or thermal imaging camera (more than twice a day). | Daily body temperature checks with a noncontact thermometer or thermal imaging camera | |
Workers with fever or respiratory symptoms or who traveled abroad within the past 14 days should use telecommuting, sick leave, or annual leave (if necessary, reflected in employment rules.) | ||
If you get fever or cough during work, inform the employer and wear a mask to leave the office immediately. | ||
Management of office space, cafeteria, and rest area | ||
Keep 2 m distance between workers (at least 1 m) by adjusting the position and orientation of the monitor, desk, and workbench. Install transparent bulkheads between the cafeteria seats or make them sit in a row or zigzag | ||
Do not allow several people in the common room such as indoor lounges or changing rooms at the same time. Wear a mask when using indoor multiuse facilities | ||
Disinfection, hygiene, and cleanliness | ||
If natural ventilation is possible, keep the windows open at all times; if not, periodically ventilate at least twice a day considering the office and workplace area and personnel. | ||
Commonly used objects (such as door handles) and surfaces are frequently disinfected more than once a day; use personal mugs, teaspoons, and other personal items. | ||
Stop actions that increase respiratory droplets/contact (singing songs, shouting slogans, and so on) or physical contact (handshake, hugging, and so on) | ||
Workers who respond directly to customers or work in indoor multiuse facilities should be provided with masks and sanitary items in accordance with the situation of the workplace when it is not possible to keep 2-m personal space. | ||
When commuting by vehicle, passengers should use a mask and follow the coughing etiquette. Sterilize the commuting vehicle every day. |