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. 2020 Jul 20;7:242. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-00580-5

Table 3.

Reference layers. Reference.

Reference Layer Description Coverage

Relief Mask


Binary mask generated using the SRTM DEM for latitudes between −60° and +60° and the ASTER DEM elsewhere. It is labelled as positive where the shaded relief is greater than 212 or the roughness is greater than 15. Global



Binary mask labelled as positive in correspondence of settlement-related OpenStreetMap geometries. Global



Binary mask labelled as positive in correspondence of road-related OpenStreetMap geometries. Global

DLR Road Cluster


Binary mask obtained applying focal mean filtering to the OSM-R dataset. Global



Binary mask labelled as positive in correspondence of GLC30 class 80 (i.e., artificial surfaces). Global



Binary mask labelled as positive in correspondence of GLC30 class 50 (i.e., water). Global



Binary mask labelled as positive in correspondence of GLC30 class 60 (i.e., wetlands). Global

Copernicus Imperviousness Layer 2012


Binary mask labelled as positive where the Copernicus Imperviousness Layer 2012 exhibits values greater than 30%. Europe

US National Land Cover Dataset 2011


Binary mask labelled as positive in correspondence of classes 22, 23 or 24 from category “Developed” of the US National Land Cover Dataset 2011. USA

layers used in the post-classification phase.