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. 2020 Jul 12;31:106013. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106013
Subject VIS-NIR Spectroscopy, micro-spectrometers
Specific subject area Sugarcane characterization
Type of data Table
Spectroscopic data
How data were acquired Absorbance spectra data were acquired by measurements on the following spectrometers: LabSpec 4 (ASD i.e. Analytical Spectral Devices, Boulder, CO, USA), NIRscan Nano (Texas instruments Inc., Texas, USA), F750 (Felix Instrument Inc., Camas, WA, USA), MicroNIR1700 (Viavi Solution, Milpitas, CA, USA), MicroNIR2200 (Viavi Solution, Milpitas, CA, USA), NIRONE 2.2 (Spectral Engines, Finland), SCIO (Consumer Physics, Tel Aviv, Israel), and TellSpec (Tellspec Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Chemical data comes from Cirad Selmet unit database.
Data format Raw
Presented as .csv file formats
Parameters for data collection Dry ground samples from different sugarcane organs were stored under ambient moisture and temperature conditions of the laboratory. Spectra were recorded in reflectance mode in the same small circular cups with quartz glass cover for all spectrometers. Spectralon (99% reflectance) was used as reference background.
Description of data collection The spectra and reference data were recorded in .CSV file formats. For reference data, the first column corresponds to sample identification; the second to the fifth columns correspond to chemical composition: sugar content (TS,% DM), crude protein content (CP,% DM), acid detergent fiber (ADF,% DM), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD,% of organic matter). For the absorbance data [calculated as log10 (1/Reflectance)], there is one .CSV file for each spectrometer. The file name is the spectrometer name. The first column corresponds to sample identification, and the next ones correspond to absorbance value according to wavelength. The wavelength unit is nanometer, and absorbance ranges depend of each spectrometer.
Spectra data were then regressed with TS and CP reference values to generate calibration models. Predicted values and reference values were then compared in repeated cross validation (2 K-fold groups, repeated 50 times) to compare spectrometer performances. These data were recorded in .CSV file formats, one for TS and TP respectively.
Data source location Spectra data, reference data of sugarcane samples were obtained at Cirad, Montepllier, France
Data accessibility Dataset presented as .CSV file formats are available on this article. Dataset can be download in Mendeley repository data: = 93aa9093–32f9–43e6–9d42–0c39729caa38