Temporal ablation of residual eosinophilia enhances survival of B. malayi adult infection in IL-4Rα−/− mice. (A) Representative flow cytometry plots for eosinophils phenotyping based on their Siglec F marker expression (Siglec F+ and F4/80low) 12 wk postinfection in infection WT, IL-4Rα−/−, and CCR3−/− mice. (B) Peritoneal eosinophil numbers in either WT, IL-4Rα−/−, or CCR3−/− mice at 2, 5, and 12 wk after B. malayi infection. Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA with Dunn multiple comparisons tests or Mann–Whitney tests (n = 5–15), one to two individual experiments. The area within the two dashed lines represents ±2-fold change of WT naive peritoneal eosinophil levels, and data falling above the gray area indicate increased eosinophil numbers compared with WT naive mice. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. (C) Schematic representation of the study design for temporal CCR3-dependent eosinophilia ablation using an anti-αCCR3 blocking Ab. (D) Representative plots of blood and peritoneal eosinophils successful ablation at 2 wk after anti-αCCR3 blocking Ab injection at 0.5 mg in IL-4Rα−/− mice (n = 4). (E) Comparative peritoneal cell population numbers at 5 wk postinfection in infected IL-4Rα−/− mice and either treated with anti-αCCR3 blocking Ab (Rx) or its respective isotype control (Ctrl). Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA with Dunn multiple comparisons tests (n = 5), single experiment. *p < 0.05. (F) Parasitical readout at 5 wk postinfection in IL-4Rα−/− mice injected either with Rx or its Ctrl. t Test, (n = 5), single experiment. *p < 0.05.