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. 2020 Jul 20;20:1143. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09253-9

Table 4.

The Marginal Effect (dx/dy) of a Change in the Regressors on the Probability of Experiencing Always and Never Stress

Always Never
Variable dx/dy SE P > | z | dx/dy SE P > | z |
 Male −.026*** .003 0.000 .030*** .004 0.000
 Age1 .021 .045 0.634 −.022 .043 0.602
 Age2 .0199 .040 0.623 −.023 .048 0.630
 Age3 .002 .041 0.944 −.003 .046 0.943
 Has a spouse or a partner .001 .003 0.636 −.002 .004 0.637
 Has a child −.003 .003 0.344 .004 .004 0.347
 Middle level of education .008* .004 0.052 −.010* .005 0.060
 High level of education .022*** .008 0.009 −.022*** .007 0.002
 End meet .003 ** .001 0.041 −.003** .001 0.042
Job characteristics
 Permanent job .010** .004 0.026 −.0124** .005 0.037
 Part time job −.006 .004 0.143 .007 .005 0.157
 How many hours2 .012** .005 0.023 −.015** .007 0.031
 How many hours3 .045*** .009 0.000 −.040*** .006 0.000
 How many hours4 .073*** .019 0.000 −.052*** .008 0.000
 Health risk .041*** .005 0.000 −.040*** .004 0.000
 Work affects health1 .009* .005 0.080 −.009* .005 0.063
 Work affects health2 .085*** .006 0.000 −.074*** .004 0.000
 External Contacts .020*** .004 0.000 −.021*** .003 0.000
 Work and Family −.050*** .005 0.000 .044*** .004 0.000
 Trade Union .013*** .003 0.000 −.016*** .004 0.000
 Job satisfaction −.054*** .007 0.000 .046*** .004 0.000
Relationships on the job
 Colleagues Support1 .025*** .005 0.000 −.033*** .008 0.000
 Colleagues Support2 .027*** .008 0.001 −.027*** .007 0.000
 Manager Support1 −.014*** .005 0.006 .0159*** .005 0.005
 Manager Support2 .000 .005 0.986 −.000 .005 0.986
 Colleagues Cooperation .009*** .002 0.000 −.011*** .003 0.000
 Get on well Colleagues .014*** .002 0.000 −.016*** .003 0.000
Relationships outside the job
 Volunteering −.001 .003 0.659 .001 .003 0.661
 Recreational activities −.009** .004 0.039 .010** .004 0.030
Job sector
 Private .020*** .005 0.001 −.024*** .007 0.001
 Public .005 .006 0.405 −.006 .007 0.393
Kind of occupation
 Managers .048 .036 0.184 −.039* .021 0.062
 Professionals .012 .027 0.655 −.013 .027 0.629
 Technicians .001 .025 0.963 −.001 .029 0.963
 Clerical −.004 .024 0.864 .005 .030 0.868
 Service sales −.013 .023 0.576 .016 .031 0.601
 Skilled agricultural forestry fish −.049*** .014 0.001 .104* .056 0.064
 Craft trades −.039** .018 0.028 .063 .039 0.109
 Plant machine −.035* .018 0.054 .055 .039 0.158
 Elementary occupation −.045*** .016 0.006 .077* .041 0.063
 Austria .038*** .012 0.003 −.034*** .008 0.000
 Belgium .000 .008 0.936 −.000 .009 0.936
 Denmark −.048*** .005 0.000 .092*** .016 0.000
 Finland −.038*** .006 0.000 .063*** .014 0.000
 France −.033*** .007 0.000 .051*** .015 0.001
 Germany .006 .008 0.442 −.007 .009 0.422
 Greece .010 .011 0.342 −.011 .011 0.301
 Ireland −.016* .009 0.072 .021 .013 0.118
 Italy −.032*** .007 0.000 .051*** .015 0.001
 Luxemburg .010 .013 0.435 −.011 .013 0.393
 Netherlands −.044*** .006 0.000 .082*** .020 0.000
 Portugal −.008 .010 0.372 .011 .013 0.408
 Spain −.020*** .007 0.008 .026** .011 0.021
 Switzerland −.010 .008 0.248 .012 .012 0.288

***stat. Signf. at 1%, ** stat. Signf. at 5%, and * stat. Signf. at 10%