Evoked DA responses (mean ± SEM, n=6 per group) measured at the outlet of microdialysis probes perfused with A) aCSF or B) DEX. DA was measured before nomifensine (red), after nomifensine (green), and then again after raclopride (purple). The amplitudes and AUCs are analyzed in C) and D), respectively (ND = not detected). The 5 day DEXretro pre-nomifensine responses are significant when compared to zero (amplitude, t(5)=3.27: AUC, t(5)=3.40: one-tailed t-test) §=p<0.05. The amplitude and AUC results underwent 2-way ANOVA with treatment (aCSF, DEX) and drug (nomifensine, nomifensine/raclopride, repeated measure) as factors. C) Treatment (F(1,10) = 19.93, p<0.005) and drug (F(1,10) = 26.96, p<0.0005) are significant factors: no significant interaction. D) Treatment (F(1,10) = 18.25, p<0.005) and drug (F(1,10) = 21.96, p<0.001) are significant factors: no significant interaction. Asterisks report post-hoc pairwise comparisons. ***p<0.005.