Fig. 4.
Cell sizes are reduced in the evolved strains under non-saline conditions. Histograms (top two and left bottom panel) show the distribution of cellular length of growing Zm6 (top left), KFS1 (top right) and KFS2 (left bottom) under the non-saline condition (N = 150 for Zm6, N = 133 for KFS1 and KFS2). The cells were grown in the complex medium under anaerobic condition until OD600 of the cultures reached around 1 in all strain. Cells were then mounted on the agarose-pad and imaged by a phase contrast microscope. Kernel density was plotted using bandwidth of 0.289 for all histograms. Phase contrast images of each strain under non-saline condition (left bottom, strain is indicated in the image) is shown with a scale bar 10 μm applied for all images. Small table in the right bottom displays the mean value of cellular length (μm) in each strain. SD stands for standard deviation