Overall survival according to sex, age, histological type, and breast cancer stage. (A) Overall survival was evaluated for male patients who were < 40 years old (blue line), men who were 40-59 years old (red line), men who were ≥ 60 years old (green line), female patients who were < 40 years old (orange line), women who were 40-59 years old (gray line), and women who were ≥ 60 years old (purple line). (B) Overall survival was also evaluated for male patients with invasive carcinoma (blue line), Paget disease (red line), inflammatory type (green line), and other cancer types (orange line), as well as for female patients with invasive carcinoma (gray line), Paget disease (purple line), inflammatory type (pink line), and other cancer types (light green line). (C) Overall survival was also evaluated for male patients with localized breast cancer (blue line), regional breast cancer (red line), distant breast cancer (green line), and unknown breast cancer (orange line), as well as for female patients with localized breast cancer (gray line), regional breast cancer (purple line), distant breast cancer (pink line), and unknown breast cancer (light green line).