Figure 2.
Schematic representation of the 22‐mer C/C/B‐β1 cyclopeptide mimicking the human β1ECII bearing the essential motif of the clinically relevant auto‐epitope: circles with capitals specify amino acids (single letter code). Numbers specify their position in the sequence of the human β1‐AR. ‘B' stands for the artificial amino acid α‐aminobutyrate substituting C216 in order to prevent a non‐physiological S‐S‐bond C209↔C216. Boxed letters N and C indicate the termini of the predicted β1ECII loop. The full line between C209 and C215 indicates the essential intra‐loop disulfide bridge; black circles depict amino acid residues essential for the neutralization of stimulating rodent anti‐β1ECII‐abs. Grey circles represent additional amino acid residues supposed to be relevant for the neutralization of stimulating human anti‐β1ECII‐aabs. Amino acid residues R207, E205, S203, and T220 were not found essential by directed mutational analysis.