Table 2.
Authors | Primary Outcome Measures (Comparison and Outcome) | Feasibility and Effectiveness (Outcome) | ||||
Depression scale/instrument | Mania | Frequency | Adverse events reported | Completion Rate | Effective | |
Faurholt-Jepsen, Vinberg et al., 2015c | HAMD-17 | YMRS | Monthly for 6 months |
Trained nurse contacted participant if deterioration in symptoms detected. Results NS |
Intervention: 33/39 = 82.62% Control: 34/39 = 87.18% |
No significant improvement in HAMD-17 or YMRS scores. |
Lauritsen et al., 2017 [36] | HAMD-17; MINI; MDI | NA | Baseline; at 4 weeks | 5 participants were readmitted to an inpatient ward due to worsening depression (self-monitoring continued) | General: 34/45 = 76% |
59% of participants believed that the system could detect a relapse, 50% believed that the system could influence the course of their illness, and 50% felt that the system had covered their needs for self-monitoring. No significant improvement in self-assessed mood scores. Significant improvement in HAMD-17 and MDI scores. |
Martinez et al., 2018 | BDI | NA | Baseline; at 12 weeks | NS |
Intervention: 65/65 = 100% EUC control: 73/78 = 83.49% |
Participants rated the intervention as 6/7 (88.57%) in terms of both usefulness and comfort. Clinicians rated the intervention for usefulness for clinical work (90%), usefulness for patients (92.86%), and comfort (85.71%). No significant differences were observed across arms at 12-week follow-up in terms of depressive symptomology. However, regression analysis indicated (i) for each extra point in baseline BDI scores, a reduction of 0.5 points in BDI scores at 12 weeks; and (ii) for each additional point in satisfaction with the psychological care received, a reduction of 4.3 points in BDI scores at 12 weeks. |
Piette et al., 2013 [37] | PHQ-9 | NA | Week 1–6: Weekly with option to reduce to monthly if depression scores were mild enough. Could revert to weekly at any time. |
Alerts generated for suicidal ideation, poor medication adherence, and increased depressive symptom severity. Alerts were triggered at a rate of 4.9 per 100 person-weeks of participation. |
11% attrition in first 6 months; 68% assessment completion | NS |
Ross et al., 2008 [38] | PHQ; MINI | NA | Baseline; at 6 months | Participants (37.7%) referred to the behavioural health specialist. |
Intervention: 96/130 = 73.85% Control: 72/93 = 77.42% |
Intervention group had less (not significantly) depression symptoms and diagnoses at 6-months follow-up than control group. |
Van der Watt, Roos et al., 2018 | QIDS | ASRM | Weekly for 26 weeks | Participants reported negative (10.8%) and apprehensive (16.2%) experience of baseline assessment. | Interviews conducted regarding effectiveness: 60.7% | Majority of participants interviewed (86.5%) reported that they found the mood monitoring helpful. |
Van der Watt, Suryapranata et al., 2018 | QIDS | ASRM | Weekly for 26 weeks | NS | 45.9% |
Significant improvement in QIDS scores. No significant difference in ASRM scores. |
Yeung et al., 2012a‑ [39] | PHQ-9; PGI-S | NA | Monthly | Physicians were sent reports on participants’ PHQ scores. 273 PHQ-9 responses endorsing thoughts of self-harm were reported to physicians. |
Intervention: 364/503 = 72.37% Control: 278/412 = 67.48% |
45% achieved remission by the end of the study, with the intervention group being significantly more likely to achieve remission. 53.9% fulfilled the response criterion (50% + reduction in PHQ-9 scores), with the intervention group being significantly more likely to achieve response. |
Zulueta et al., 2018 [34] | HAMD-17 | YMRS | Weekly | NS | Participation varied in terms of the number of weeks that had any keyboard activity, with an average of 4.69 (3.05) weeks. Only 9 participants (9/16 = 56.25%) complete at least 4 weeks. |
Decrease in HAMD-17 scores: Week 1 = 11.90 (3.17); Week 8 = 11.11 (5.49). Significance not reported. Decrease in YMRS scores: Week 1 = 7.56 (5.00); Week 8 = 6.67 (4.03). Significance not indicated. |
ASRM Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale, BDI Beck Depression Inventory, HAMD-17 Hamilton Depression rating scale, MDI Major Depression Inventory, MINI Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, NA Not Applicable, NS Not Specified, PGI-S Patient Global Impression Severity, PHQ Personal Health Questionnaire, QIDS Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, YMRS Young Mania Rating Scale
aDemographic data only presented for participants who completed the study
bDemographic data only presented for participants who completed the study
cDemographic data only presented for participants who completed the study