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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jul 22.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatr Res. 2019 Jul 26;87(2):194–201. doi: 10.1038/s41390-019-0508-3

Table 1.

Summary of included studies

Study Type Population Nutritional intervention MRI outcome Results
Breast milk
  Belfort et al.23 Cohort GA <30 weeks, BW < 1250 g, no congenital anomalies (n= 180) BM intake in first 28 days of life (days >50% BM, mean daily intake) Total and regional brain volumes at TEA and 7 years (n = 160 at TEA, n = 108 at 7 years) TEA and BM: ↑ deep nuclear GM and hippocampal volumes
7 years and BM: No associations
  Deoni et al.18 Cross-sectional GA 37–42 weeks, healthy and typically developing (n = 133) Feed type: Breastfed (≥3 months) vs. formula or both
Breastfeeding duration: <12 months vs. >15 months
WM microstructure using mcDESPOT myelin water fraction (VFM) at age 10 months-4 years Breastfed vs. formula (2.2–4 years): ↑ VFM (BM vs. formula: right premotor cortex and frontal lobe, CST; BM vs. both: premotor cortices, left optic radiation, right prefontal cortex and parietal lobe)
Breastfeeding duration: ↑VFM (Broca’s area, parietal lobe, secondary somatosensory cortex; right auditory cortex and frontal lobe; left optic radiation, premotor, and primary somatosensory cortex)
  Isaacs et al.24 Cohort GA ≤30 weeks, neurologically normal (n = 50) %BM (of total dietary intake) Total and regional brain volumes at 13–19 years %>BM: ↑ Total and WM volume Sex-specific:
↑ Total and WM volume in males
  Lu by et al.22 Cohort Full-term, IQ >75 (n = 148) Breastfed (for >30) days vs. non-breastfed Total regional brain volumes at 9–14 years ↑ GM (both cortical and subcortical) and total brain volume
  Kafouri et al.20 Cohort Full-term, no cardiac, neurologic, or psychiatric disease (n = 571) Duration of exclusive breast feeding Regional cortical thickness at 12–18 years ↑ Cortical thickness in superior and inferior parietal lobe
  Ou et al.21 Cohort Full-term, BW 5–95%ile, no neurologic/psychiatric history (n = 56) Breastfed vs. formula-fed in first 12 months WM microstructure using DTI (FA) at 8 years Predominant breastfeeding vs. formula (sex-specific): ↑ FA in males (left SLF, cingulum, corpus callosum, and posterior crossing fibers)
Excusive breastfeeding vs. formula (sex-specific): ↑ FA in males (left SLF, corona radiata, external capsule, PLIC, posterior crossing fibers, and 8/9 regions of interest)
  Ou et al.19 Cohort Full-term, BW 5–95%ile, no medical/psychiatric history (n = 42) Breastfed vs. formula-fed in first 12 months GM Volume using VBM and fMRI at 8 years BM and GM volume: ↑ Left parietal and temporal lobe volumes
BM and fMRI: ↑ Activation for perception (temporal right frontal lobe) and language (left temporal and occipital lobes)
  Pogribna et al.25 Cohort G A ≤29 weeks, BW ≤ 1000 g, no congenital CNS anomalies (n = 75) Duration of BM intake WM microstructure using DTI (FA and MD) at TEA ↑ FA in corpus callosum
  Vasu et al.26 Cohort G A <32 weeks (control GA 37–42 weeks), clinically well
(n = 61)
BM (EBM/DBM) and macronutrient intake until 34 weeks PMA Total brain volume and cerebral arterial vessel tortuosity (CAVT) score (via MR angiography) at TEA BM and total brain volume: No association BM and CAVT: Borderline ↑ overall CAVT (p = 0.05) Macronutrient and total brain volume, CAVT score: No association
LCPUFA supplementation
  Almaas et al.30 RCT BW <1500 g, no congenital anomalies or severe IVH (n = 81) BM (EBM/DBM) ± high-dose LCPUFA (DHA 32 mg/AA 31 mg total) Total and regional brain volumes and cortical surface reconstruction (volume, surface area, thickness) at 8 years Volumes: No difference between groups
Cortical surface: No difference between groups
  Almaas et al.29 RCT BW <1500 g, no congenital anomalies or severe IVH (n = 82) BM (EBM/DBM) ± high-dose LCPUFA (DHA 32 mg/AA 31 mg total) WM microstructure using DTI (FA, MD, AD, RD) at 8 years Borderline ↑ FA in corpus callosum (p = 0.08)
  Lepping et al.31 RCT GA 37–42 weeks, healthy (n = 42) Formula ± LCPUFA (DHA/AA) in 4 DHA groups: control, 0.32%, 0.64%, 0.96% GM and WM volume using VBM, fMRI, rsMRI, and 1H MRS at 9 years fMRI and LCPUFA: ↑ Activation parietal lobe, anterior cingulate cortex, and cerebellum
rsMRI and LCPUFA: ↑ Prefrontal-parietal cortex connectivity (dorsal attention network)
VBM and LCPUFA: ↑ WM volume anterior cingulate cortex and R parietal lobe
1H MRS and LCPUFA: ↑ N-acetylaspartate and myo-inositol
  Tarn et al.33 Cohort G A <32 weeks, no congenital anomalies, syndromes, or infections Early and near-term red blood cell DHA, AA, EPA, and LA levels WM microstructure using DTI (FA, MD, AD, RD) and brain injury (IVH, WM injury, cerebellar hemorrhage) on early and near-term MRI Early DHA and brain injury: |IVH incidence/severity
Early DHA and DTI: ↓MD in PLIC and optic radiations
Early LA and DTI: ↑ MD in optic radiations
  van Wezel-Meijler et al32 RCT GA <34 weeks, BW < 1750 g, no CNS abnormalities or severe ROP (n = 42) Formula ± LCPUFA supplementation (DHA 15 mg/AA 31 mg per 100 mL) until 6 months Global and visual myelination score using T1/T2 images at 3 and 12 months 3 months and LCPUFA: No difference between groups
12 months and LCPUFA: No difference between groups
Macronutrient and energy
  Beauport et al.34 Cohort G A <30 weeks, no congenital anomalies or severe IVH (n = 51) Cumulative macronutrient and energy intake in first 2 weeks of life Brain maturation and injury using semi-quantitative Total score: ↓ Severity with ↑ fat and energy intake Kidokoro score (grouped by severity) at TEA
GM score: ↓ Severity with ↑ fat, carbohydrate, protein, and energy intake
  Coviello et al.28 Cohort GA <31 weeks, no congenital anomalies or CNS infection (n = 131) Cumulative macronutrient, energy, and BM intake in first 28 days of life Total and regional brain volumes and WM microstructure using DTI (FA) at TEA Cumulative (fat/energy) and enteral (protein/fat/energy) intake and volume: ↑ Total and regional brain volumes (cerebellum, BG/thalamus)
PN and volume: ↓ Cerebellum, BG/thalamus, cortical GM, and total brain volumes
Cumulative (fat/energy) and enteral (protein/fat/energy) intake and DTI: ↑ FA in PLIC
PN and DTI: ↑ FA in PLIC
BM andDTI (sex-specific): ↑ FA in left PLIC in males
  Hansen-Pupp et al.35 Cohort GA <31 weeks, no major anomalies (n = 51) Daily protein and energy intake until 35 weeks PMA Total and regional brain volumes at TEA No association with any volume
  Isaacs et al.36 Cohort GA ≤30 weeks, neurologically normal (n = 76) Standard feeds (donor BM or term formula) vs. high-nutrient (↑ protein/energy) formula Total and regional brain volumes at 13–19 years High-nutrient (vs. standard): t caudate volume Sex-specific: t caudate volume in males
  Paviotti et al.37 Cohort BW <1500 g, no congenital anomalies or severe IVH (n = 42) Mean macronutrient and energy intake until discharge Total brain and cerebellar volume at TEA No association with total brain or cerebellar volume
  Schneider et al.27 Cohort GA <30 weeks, no congenital anomalies or severe IVH (n = 49) Cumulative macronutrient, energy, and BM intake in first 2 weeks of life Total and regional brain volume and WM microstructure using DTI (FA) at 3 time-points (1st week of life, 3 weeks of life or 34–35 weeks, TEA) Lipid/energy and volume: ↑ BG and total brain volume (greater enteral effect)
Lipid/energy and DTI: ↑ FA (corona radiata, thalamic radiations, SLF, CST)
Protein and volume: ↑Total brain volume
Enteral protein and DTI: ↑ FA (corona radiata, thalamic radiations, CST)
BM and DTI: ↑ FA (corona radiata, thalamic radiations, SLF)
  Strom men et a I.38 RCT BW <1500 g, no congenital anomalies (n = 50) High-nutrient (↑ protein, fat, LCPUFA, vitamin A) vs. control until 52 weeks PMA or 5.5 kg WM microstructure using DTI (MD) at TEA (n = 25 with DTI) ↓ MD in SLF, borderline for CST (p = 0.05)
  Tan et al. (2008)39 RCT GA ≤29 weeks, <7 days of life, no congenital anomalies
(n = 65)
Hyperalimentation: Enteral and parenteral (↑ macronutrient and calories) vs. standard nutrition until 34 weeks PMA
Intake/deficit: Energy and protein for first 28 days of life
Total and regional brain volumes and WM maturation using T2 relaxation times at TEA Hyperalimentation and olumes: No significant difference between group
WM maturation (fronto-parietal): No significant
difference between groups
Energy intake in first 28 days: ↑Total brain volume
Energy deficit in first 28 days: ↓Total brain volume

BW birth weight, GA gestational age, PMA postmenstrual age, TEA term-equivalent age, IVH intraventricular hemorrhage, DTI diffusion tensor imaging, FA fractional anisotropy, MD mean diffusivity, AD axial diffusivity, RD radial diffusivity, fMRI functional MRI, rsMRI resting-state MRI, 1H MRS proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, VBM voxel-based morphometry, WM white matter, GM gray matter, CST corticospinal tract, SLF superior longitudinal fasciculus, PLIC posterior limb of internal capsule, BG basal ganglia, BM breast milk, LCPUFA long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, DHA docosahexanoic acid, AA arachidonic acid, LA linoleic acid, EPA eicosapentaenoic acid, PN parenteral nutrition, RCT randomized controlled trial