Training on risk assessment
Workshop ‘Risk assessment of plasticisers’ |
22.11.2017 |
Workshop ‘What does the future hold for harmonised human health risk assessment of plant protection products?’ |
23–24.11.2017 |
GMO Risk Assessment Workshop |
22–23.5.2018 |
Other activities
Participation once a week in department seminars with presentations of food safety‐related (in vitro or in vivo experimental) research activities |
Every week |
Training ‘Library Introduction – Databases and Organisation of Information in BfR’ |
29.9.2017 |
Conference ‘Efficacy and risks of biorational products in integrated pest management (IPM) strategies ‐ acceptable?’ |
13–14.12.2017 |
Training ‘Effective Presentations’ |
20–21.2.2018 |
Participation in International Events organised by International Affairs team with an aim to provide an opportunity for social and professional networking |
Every quarter |
Visit in Department of Pesticides Safety |
Visit in Department of Safety in the Food Chain |